Chapter Four

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Arriving at the doctor's office, I could feel the anxiety radiating off of Ellie. I wasn't sure why she was so nervous, nor did I know how to calm her down. I didn't want to overstep my boundaries by trying to touch her, so I thought about what my mom used to do when I was nervous in a waiting room.

"Do you want me to braid your hair?" I asked, making Ellie's head snap up towards me. Sam, who was asleep beside Ellie, stirred in her sleep before settling back down. I looked at Ellie, waiting for a response, but she looked confused.

"It's something my Mom used to do to calm me down. I thought it might help. If you don't want me to it's okay I just —"

"No," Ellie interrupted. "It's fine. I just don't know what a braid is, that's why I was confused."

My mouth formed an O shape as I remembered that both of the girls didn't know of a lot there was to the world. Simple things like hairstyles were something you would think they would know, especially Ellie, but she had quite literally spent every moment she could remember in the orphanage.

"It's like a plait, but it kind of pops out from your hair and starts higher up your head. It'll look cool — promise." I encouraged her, really hoping and praying that it would make her feel better. I didn't like to see her this worked up.

I watched as Ellie nodded, as if to say it was okay. I grabbed her hair in between my fingers and crossed it over itself, adding hair in each time. I could feel her relaxing more and more as I worked down her head, her nervous energy down to a minimum as I secured her hair with a hair-tie.

"Did that help?" I asked Ellie, who nodded softly.

"It did actually. Thank you, Demi." She responded.

"Anytime, baby."

After waiting a few more minutes in the waiting room, I heard a doctor's footsteps come out before she looked down at her clipboard and called out a name.

"Eleanor Lovato?"

Ellie looked at me, confused as to whether or not it was her. I nodded and stood up, picking Sam up into my arms while Ellie walked ahead, waiting for me every couple of steps.

As we entered the room, the doctor closed the door behind us and looked at the scene unfolding in front of her.

"A bit early for the little one, I see," she joked. I nodded with a laugh, peering down at Sam who was still sound asleep, her head resting against my chest. I just hoped that she trusted me enough to not freak out if she woke up while I was holding her.

"Okay, so you're Demetria Lovato, correct?" The doctor turned to me, glancing down at her clipboard before looking up again. 

"Correct," I responded.

"And this is your daughter Eleanor?" She asked again.

I confirmed her question before she began to ask Ellie some questions about how she was feeling. She didn't really say much, only saying what she had told me last night. I hoped that the doctor would be able to give Ellie something today so that she would start feeling better immediately.

The doctor quickly scribbled down some notes before turning towards me.

"Ms Lovato, I just have a few questions about your families health history. This could help me figure out what is happening with Eleanor here." 

I mentally cringed when she said 'Ms' because it made me feel older than I actually was. Once I had processed what the doctor had said, I sighed, having a feeling that this was going to much more difficult without knowing of Ellie's family history. 

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