Chapter Fifty-Four

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I set the popcorn in the microwave for four minutes and went to answer the door, expecting nothing special to be on the other side. As I made my way to the front of the house and looked through the peephole, I saw someone I never in a million years thought I would see.


She was dripping wet. Her hair was draped all over the place and she looked absolutely freezing. I felt my heart break for the girl as I swung the door open straight away, ushering her inside.

"I'm so s-sorry for just tu-turning up like this," Grace cried. "My m-mom kicked me out."

"Grace, oh my god -- you're okay, you're alright. Come on, let's get you warmed up. Ellie and Sam are in the lounge room watching a movie and --"

"Ellie can't know I'm here! P-Please don't tell her!" There was a look in her eye that made me realise that she wasn't joking around.

"Okay," I racked my brain for an idea of what to do. "Alright, just come upstairs to my room okay? You've gotta get warm before your body becomes hypothermic."

Grace followed me up the stairs and darted to my bedroom as quickly as she could, too scared to sit down anywhere due to the fact that her clothes were dripping wet.

"Here," I handed her some clothes that were sitting on my bed, ready to be put away. "There's a shirt, a hoodie, sweatpants -- do you need underwear or a bra?"

Grace looked down at the floor, clearly uncomfortable. She didn't answer me, just shrugging her shoulders while the rest of her body shivered from the cold.

"It's okay Grace, you don't have to feel embarrassed. I just want to make sure you're comfortable okay?" I said gently, placing my hand on her wet arm. It was freezing. "I'll tell you what. I'm sure that I have some new underwear in the guest room wardrobe -- I stocked up when there was a sale a few months ago -- anyway, I'll get a pair of underwear and one of Ellie's sports bras and I'll lay them out on the bed while you take a shower to warm up okay? You can wear them if you want, and I know they might be a bit big but they shouldn't be so big that they'll fall off."

"M'kay." Grace said softly. "Demi?"

"Yeah sweetie?"

"What's going to happen with me? I have nowhere to go." She looked like she was about to break down all over again. "I'm s-scared Demi."

"Okay, okay," I pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly. "Don't be scared. I'll sort something out okay?"

I felt her head nod against my shoulder we pulled away.

"I'll come back up in half an hour and we'll talk alright? Just warm yourself sweetie, you're freezing."

I made my way back downstairs, where Ellie was placing the popcorn into a bowl for her and Sam. I tried my best to not act suspicious -- I could only hope Ellie didn't catch on.

"What took you so long at the door? Was someone there?" She asked, sprinkling salt over the popcorn.

"It was just security. Something to do with the garage, I don't know, they said it wasn't important so I sorta just stopped listening. Then I went and peed."

Ellie only laughed, shaking her head as she threw a piece of popcorn at me and I caught it in my mouth with ease, smirking at my daughter as she walked back into the living room.

Deciding that the best thing to do at that moment was to make sure that the guest bedroom was okay for Grace to sleep in, at least for tonight. The bed was made and the bathroom had everything she would need -- toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap -- so I was satisfied that it would be enough for the time being.

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