Chapter 69

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The group of men sat together with their attorneys behind the Federal Marshall and counsel as Jenika was led into the courtroom.  She immediately spied Chance, blowing him a kiss before sitting down alongside Stein, her parents sitting behind her.

"Thank God he can't see far enough to see what she just did" he thought to himself showing no reaction to her.

Luisa and Olena each sat a few rows back from everyone else, mentally reviewing their testimony should they be questioned.  "It's sad to think its come down to this, but I cant hold back now. These guys were, are my family first. She has to pay for what she's done to all of them" Olena told herself as the court came to order.

"Ms. Marion, do you understand the charges that have been brought against you" Justice Joyce asked.

Standing along side her attorney she cried, "Yes"

Removing his glasses he looked at her. Her posture evoked a pathetic, distraught woman before him. "Ms. Marion, with your cooperation we can conclude this rather quickly" he told her.

"Yes, your honor" she replied dabbing her fake tears with the handkerchief her mother handed her.

"Do you understand the charges set forth against you in this court of law" he asked.

"Yes, your honor, sir" she replied.

"And how do you plead " he asked.

In light of all the information that had been provided from both her sister and Olena, Ben had advised her several times to just take the guilty plea and hope for time served with probation.

The judge looked at her as she hesitated.

"Not guilty your honor. I've done nothing wrong against anyone" she sorrowfully replied.

"Oh boy, here we go" Tim thought shifting his weight in the bench seated between Austin and Chance. He immediately knew by the sound of the judge's voice and Jenika's acting this was going to be one hell of a day.

Chance leaned a bit towards him, "You doing ok" he asked barely above a whisper, knowing the bench was most likely causing him discomfort. He hadn't mentioned much about his back bothering him since the assault but he'd noticed a wince or two now and again.

"Yea, just hard on my ass" Tim replied, trying to keep his voice down. Chance smiled as a vision of his naked backside flashed through his minds eye. He too shifted his weight but for another reason.

"Will y'all sit still so we can get this over with" Austin whispered attempting to hush the two.

"Oh shush" Tim sassed.

The judge slammed the gavel on the desk, "Order, order in this court. If anyone makes any disruption during  these proceedings you will be immediately removed, do I make myself clear" he stated sternly looking directly at the five men. Each nodded in unison acknowledging his order.

"Mr. Porter..You may proceed" he advised the attorney for the Marshall's office.

"Your honor, we have been brought here today based on a warrant for the arrest for Ms. Jenika Marion Foust" he began.

Stein stood, "objection....your honor, my client is no longer married to Mr. Foust, nor had she ever legally changed her name to Foust. This warrant for her arrest is not valid"

"Overruled" the judge stated.

Stein sat back down, "do something you idiot. How can that piece of paper be legal" Jenika demanded writing her comment on the pad of paper before them.

"Your honor, as you can see Ms. Marion used Foust as her last name on several occasions, including on her plane ticket for the flight to Wisconsin on the night in question " Porter advised providing the warrant to the judge, "therefore the Foust name is an alias by which she is known, keeping the warrant valid" he explained mostly for the benefit of the others in the courtroom.

"Continue Mr. Porter" the judge advised.

"On the night in question Ms. Marion became involved in an altercation with Federal Marshall Michael Jacobs. With your consent, your honor I request Ms
Angela Javarone, the stewardess on that flight, be called to the stand" Porter stated.

After an hour of questions by both attorneys the stewardess was dismissed from further testimony. Jacobs was called to give his account of the flight and also the incident at her parents where she kicked him when attempting to be arrested on the warrant. Jenika continued to write notes to Stein demanding his intervention but by this time he basically wanted to just walk out regardless of what his financial loss would be. Judge Joyce granted a two hour recess before continuing the proceedings. Jenika was led off to a secure area while the others were led out of the courtroom. Olena and Luisa joined the guys and Tim's family for lunch while Jenika's parents attempted to speak with her but were denied access as she was technically still in custody.


"Damn, looks like she's pretty much done now, don't it" Austin commented as they all sat around eating.

"But there's so much to be told" Luisa stated.

"I know, and we appreciate all you've done already, Luisa. But if you don't get called to testify that's good too. Everything you obtained was given to the attorneys, they know, that's what matters" Chance replied.

"I just don't want her hurting anyone anymore, ya know. She's put you through hell by coming between you and Mina. Then Tim, the lies and the assault because of those lies. Neither of you deserved that. My parents, ugh, I just don't understand how they couldn't see through it all" she told him.

Olena leaned over giving her a hug "parents don't want to accept the bad in their children, especially in the older ones. They were their first, and always will be no matter how many kids they ultimately have".

"Ain't that the truth" Adam piped up. Everyone knew he'd lived in Chris shadow and hadn't been given the attention he deserved but how he took over after Chris left and the issue with Pierce he'd more than proved he was a leader and could, would handle anything thrown his way.

Tim sat back listening to the conversations around him. Maybe, just maybe all the lies, deceit, injuries were worth it after all. Even though he hated what she had done she some how managed to show this group of misfit musicians just what they were made of and what they would do to be sure each other would prevail.


"Olena Lysenko" called out the bailiff.

Olena made her way to the witness stand, recited the oath and took her seat.

Jenika glared at her as if to say if she spoke one word against her she would pay dearly for it. Unphazed by her actions Olena sat tall and comfortable in the seat awaiting the questions to begin. She wasn't the least bit intimidated by her, this was her family and no one messed with her family.

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