Chapter 56

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Drawn to the sound of music filling the air he entered the familiar room. The person playing the piano, his favorite person in the whole wide world, turned and smiled. Motioning for him to join her, he quickly sat down. She understood more than anyone else, never judged him for his way of thinking. She always supported his feelings and she always knew when he needed a shoulder to lean on.

"What's wrong my love" she asked as she continued to play.

He said nothing looking at her hands upon the keys.

Gently touching his hands she placed them upon the keys and smiled "Play with me"

Soon she lifted her own while he continued to play, closing her eyes, lost in their song.

The tears escaped his eyes as he stopped and leaned his head on the piano.

"Tell me, why are you so troubled " she spoke softly.

"So much, I don't understand....why am I so different, why do I  ..." he replied.

"You my love are a kind hearted young man who cares deeply, regardless of who anyone are not different, you are unique" she replied.

"Maybe Dad was right" he sadly replied.

"Your Dad is set in his ways, sometimes you can't change how someone thinks no matter how hard you try" she told him.

"He always told me I'm a freak, that it's wrong and I'm going to hell because of it" he began to cry more.

She pulled him close, hugging tightly. "You're not any of those things. The heart knows what is true and now you will too" she assured him.

"I did follow my heart once, ya know" he whispered.

"That you did, it was exactly what you needed then. This is what, who you need now" she replied.

"Thank you...I love you Nana" he told her.

"I love you more, Timmy" she replied hugging him tighter.

Chance sat at the bar throwing back another shot of Tequila when the bartender approached. 

"That's three shots of the top shelf good stuff my friend. You're either loving or leaving" they remarked.

"Ever do something you've wanted to do forever but feel rittled with guilt after doing it" Chance asked, motioning for another shot.

Pouring into the shot glass the bartender stated, "If it was to bring a better understanding of something, then why the guilt. But, if it was intended to harm, well that's a whole other therapy session" she told him.

"Definitely not to harm, last thing I ever would do" Chance replied throwing back the shot.

"Then I say, give this person time. If it was the right thing to say or do, let them come to you. Be patient, love is always worth waiting for " she told him with a smile.

Chance smiled back, "Thank you" he replied as he lay down the money for his drinks.

"I've seen how you look at him, he'll come around, just be patient" she whispered.

Chance raised a brow at her remark, he never mentioned love or who he was referring to. She smiled back and motioned a zipper across her mouth, locked throwing away the key.

He began to walk away then turned having forgotten to tip her. A young man now stood behind the bar. "Excuse me, could I speak to the young woman who just waited on me" he told him.

"Buddy, you must have had a bit too much to drink. We don't have any female bartenders here" he replied matter of factly while restocking the bar.

All the way back to his room he thought about the conversation he'd just had. Was it real, was it his imagination or had he really drank too much again.

A Work In Progress (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ