Chapter 63

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Luisa sat on the sofa across from her parents waiting for their reaction after explaining Jenika and what she's done over the years. Her father looked at her in disbelief while her mother wiped tears from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Luisa. I didn't realize how much we neglected you" her mother stated.

"Mom, it's not about neglecting me, it's about how she's manipulated this entire family with her lies. She's interfered with other relationships causing pain and loss in order to comfort the victims making them trust her into thinking that her actions were real. Do you really understand what she's done" Luisa replied.

"You sure it's not jealousy on your part. She's become successful as a musician and traveled all over the world. That maybe you feel slighted over her attention because your younger" her father stated.

"Jealous? Believe me I am not jealous of her or anything she's done. I've never felt the need to conduct myself the way she has to get anything. I earn whatever I gain and if I don't make it then it's not meant to be. You taught me that, you taught all of us that, Dad. Maybe you need to take a good look at who you've become because right now you're not the man I used to look up to. You used to be fair, unbiased. You've been blind sighted by Jenika for so long Dad. I don't think you see clearly what she's become" she retorted.

"Luisa, stop" her mother advised.

"No mom I won't. You don't want to believe me ask Chris or Bryce. Even though they live clear across the country they've seen it too. Maybe not as extensive as I have but they know what she's become" Luisa replied.

Her father ran his hands through his graying hair, "Can you prove any of what you say she's done " he asked.

"Yes and no" she replied as both parents gave her a perplexed look.

"Either you can or you can't. It can't be both" he told her.

"You'll find out when she goes to court after the divorce proceedings. I can't say anything more" she advised standing to walk away.

"Get back here and prove to me what you said " he demanded.

"No Dad, I can't...I won' will all be revealed then" she answered leaving the room.


Tim sat on the blanket in the sand as Chance built the fire on the beach. It was their last night in Alabama before heading back to Wisconsin to face whatever was waiting for them. Satch lay on a lounge on the back patio. He had kept his distance since that first day, as if he knew nothing could come between them, not even him.

"Hey sexy, what ya thinking about" Chance asked sitting down behind him.
Tim leaned back against his chest, the feeling of being safe and secure was all so new to him but he loved it and he loved the person who finally made him feel that way.

"Everything I suppose but mostly you, us. I don't want this to end" he told him.

Chance wrapped his arms around him, leaning his head on his shoulder, "it's not, we're not going to end, we've come to far" he assured him.

"You've taught me so much these past few much about myself, about love...unconditional love...I ...I'm actually starting to believe I can be happy again" Tim told him.

"Yes, you deserve happiness and so much more. I want to give you everything you need" Chance whispered before lightly kissing his neck.

Tim became silent, suddenly asking himself what if all of this wasn't real...what if he'd only used him to finally get what he wanted and would move onto someone else or worse what if he was just part of the plan. What if he used him to get Jenika. He couldn't really tell him all that was going through his mind it would make him look weak and more insecure than he already was. He didn't know if he really wanted to hear the truth.

"Tim, what's wrong. You're awfully quiet" Chance asked rubbing his arm.

"Nothing" he replied quietly.

"Babe, look at me. I've known you long enough to know that when you get quiet something is wrong. Something is bothering you, please just talk to me" Chance quietly spoke alongside his ear.

"Is this real, are we real...because if not and this is sympathy for being blind... then I need to know now before I get any deeper into..." he solemnly began.

Chance leaned him back and to the side, gently lifting his chin he kissed him softly as tears escaped Tim's eyes.
"This is real, we are real..very real" he whispered against his lips. "Please, don't ever doubt my love for you. I will fight tooth and nail to prove to you how much I love you"

"I want to believe that, more than anything....I'm just..." Tim hesitated.

"I swear to God I will do my best to make your life everything you've ever wanted and needed. Please believe me" Chance replied.

"Can I ask you something " Tim said.

"Anything....never be afraid to ask me anything" he answered.

"I...I need to know...that there was nothing, ever or now, between you and Jenika. That, I am not, this week, has not been part of your plan" he asked.

Chance held him tighter, "No, never ever..not then, not now, not ever. I'm not like her, I would never do what she's done to you" he explained.

"You've been just as much a victim " Tim told him.

"Maybe but not as much as you...she's interfered for the last time " he replied.

"I'm sorry..I just want to be rid of her, that part of my life. What if she doesn't accept the offer and refuses to the conditions of the divorce" Tim stated.

"I had her convinced before her father interfered,  I'm pretty sure she'll still listen to me, but..." he hesitated.

"But what" Tim fearfully asked.

"The original idea, plan I had to get her to believe me.. I may have to continue that charade" he replied, holding him closer.

"You mean she still has to think you're on her side, that you feel the same as her " Tim sadly replied.

"It's tearing me apart, I hate putting you through this, but if it means you'll finally be free....I'll do anything for you"  he replied.

"I understand....I guess that's why I've fallen deeply in love with you" Tim told him before snuggling into his chest.

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