Chapter 71

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"Luisa Marion" the bailiff called.

Her parents watching as Luisa made her way to the stand, her mother wondering, was she actually going to testify against her own sister. "Why, why is she doing this" Gail asked Wayne as Luisa took the oath.

Shaking his head he merely stated, "open your eyes."

Chance felt bad for Luisa as Stein bombarded her with questions. She was a witness for the Marshall's defense though he was allowed questioning first. But he saw the determination in her eyes, she stood her ground without wavering.

"Ms.Marion isn't it true that you've always felt envious of your sister, being she is older and successful" he asked.

Holding back her laughter she answered, "No".

"Come now, be honest. You're the youngest and have always lived in the shadows of her life virtually unnoticed, isn't that true" he stated.

"Objection, your honor he's leading the witness" Porter protested.

"Damn, why are they doing this to her, she's not on trial here" Tim whispered to Chance.

"Probably trying to make it look like she's just a jealous teenager to sway everyone away from accepting her testimony as truth" he replied.

"Sustained. Mr. Stein limit your questions to the topic at hand" Judge Joyce warned.

"No further questions, your honor" Stein stated sitting down.

"What the fuck, no more questions " Jenika barked.

"Keep your voice down. No, no more questions. The seed has been planted, it will stay in their minds that she is just jealous of you, they won't believe anything she says now" he assured her.

Wayne sat behind Stein, he overheard his response to Jenika. Was it true, just jealousy of her sister or did she have more substantial proof like she'd led them to believe.

Porter stepped forward, "Ms. Marion, may I call you Luisa" he began. She advised him he could. "You and Jenika have always been close, is that correct"

"Yes" Luisa answered.

"So like most close sisters, you would share details, secrets of what was going on in your lives.  Like boyfriends, crushes, secrets, stuff you wouldn't necessarily tell anyone else, is that correct" he asked.

"Yes" she answered.

"So she must have told you about what was going on with her and her husband" Porter continued.

"Objection" Stein stated.

"Sustained..Mr. Porter may I remind you we are here for the assault on Mr. Jacob's, not the personal life of the Fousts" Judge Joyce stated.

"Yes, sorry your honor" Porter replied. "Luisa, did your sister share with you that she was coming to Wisconsin on the day of her flight" he proceeded

"No sir, she called me to pick her up at the police station at about 8 am the following morning" Luisa answered.

"The police station...did she explain why she was at the police station" he inquired.

"She just told me to pick her up and bring bail money but not to let our parents know" she answered looking at Jenika, who mouthed "bitch" to her.

"And did you do as she asked" he continued.

"Yes" she said.

"And what transpired after you arrived at the police station" he asked.

"I was led to an area where I was told to post her bail and to wait till she was released" she explained.

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