Chapter 60

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Stopping at a local park as they walked back from dinner Chance ran around with Satch to give him some excercise while Tim sat on a nearby bench. Tim could hear the laughter and barking from his two best friends having fun. He smiled outwardly but inside he couldn't help feeling saddened wondering if he would ever be able to even see either of them clearly let alone run.

Chance would glance over now and again ensuring Tim was still nearby. Soon Satch ran over to Tim, panting heavily, he'd had enough fun for one day. Chance watched as Tim fluffed the pups fur asking him if he was having fun. He smiled, whether Tim knew it or not, it was evident that dog had saved him in so many ways. Approaching Tim he let him know it was him before he sat down.

"You wore him out" Tim remarked placing the harness back around Satch.

"It was mutual" Chance replied taking a deep breath himself.

"Getting old are ya" Tim joked with a raised brow.

"Ha ha" he merely responded as they both stood to walk back to the hotel. "Hey, I've got something I'd like to talk to you about" Chance added.

"What's that" Tim replied, a bit apprehensive as to what he was going to say.

"You have five days before you need to be in court. You want to lay low, recoup. Let's go to my place for those days" he suggested.

"Your place, like home, back to Tennessee?" Tim asked.

"No, my place, in Bama. The gulf is the best place to recoup from anything. It'll be warm, secluded. I think it's just what you need, just what the doctor ordered" he explained.

"Oh really, and when did you get your degree, Doc" Tim replied as they crossed the busy street.

"Ok, yeah no problem. I can do that for you..don't worry, I'll keep them away" she told him before disconnecting.

"Keep who away from what" Jake asked coming out of Cali's room.

"Chance is bringing Tim to his place at the shore for a few days before the divorce proceedings, thinks it may help him relax" Heather replied checking the list she'd written down for the items her brother requested.

"Sounds good, definitely can relax there. How's he doing anyway" Jake asked sitting beside her.

"Well he said he's been under alot of stress from the trial with Jenika's father. You know Tim asked the judge for leniency on his sentencing. He gave him probation" she told him with disgust.

"You've got to be kidding me, he nearly killed Tim. That's insane" Jake replied.

"I told Chance the same thing. But, he said he felt her parents were just as much a victim as he was. So anyway, he wants to get him away from everything and everyone so he can relax and continue with his recovery" she explained grabbing her purse.

"You know your Mom is going to have other plans when she finds out they are coming" Jake advised.

"Well, that's the other thing. He doesn't want her to know" she told him.

"Good luck with that" he commented with an eye roll.

"Yeah, I know" she said opening the door.

"Where you going, it's getting kinda late" he asked furrowing his brows.

"To get everything on this list and to his place. They are arriving first thing in the morning and if you think I'm getting up at 4 am to do this your nuts" she laughed.

"Be careful, love ya" he called out grabbing the remote as she walked out the door.

"Why...why do you do this to me. Ass crack of dawn for crying out loud. You're damn lucky I can't see you " Tim complained as they walked towards the plane.

"Oh hush. You're going to thank me for this ya know" Chance yawned in response as he followed carrying both of their carry on bags.

He had to admit a four am flight was kind of insane but the sooner he could get Tim away from everything the better. He needed this, they both needed this he just hoped Heather would be able to keep his mother away so they would have privacy.

Squeezing Satch in by his feet, Tim tried to get comfortable so he could try to go back to sleep for a bit. "How long before we get there?" he asked as Chance settled in next to the window.

"Two hours and ten minutes before we get to Atlanta with a lay over there for about an hour and a half then into Mobile after that" Chance answered fastening his seat belt.

"What time is it now" Tim asked not wanting to use his audible watch knowing it would attract attention towards them.

"It's six am, so I was thinking we can grab food during the lay over before we head out again. Overall, it's almost six hours of travel time" Chance explained.

"Ok, wake me up when we get there" Tim stated putting his ear buds in.

Chance gazed out the window as they sped along at thirty thousand feet, the true love of his life sitting beside him made him smile. "Please let this time alone together be what he needs, what he wants" he thought to himself as he suddenly felt Tim slowly lean, resting his head on his shoulder

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