Chapter 28

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Emily ran through the front door, "Momma, Momma" she yelled frantically. Dena was no where to be found, she quickly ran out the back door finding her mother walking up from her garden.

"Moooooommma" she screamed, finally getting her attention.

Dena stopped in her tracks. Emily had never screamed like that before, it could only mean something horrible must have happened. Dropping her basket she ran to her daughter.

"Emily, what's wrong" Dena frantically asked as Emily fell to her knees.

"Tim....momma, Tim" she cried hysterically.

Dena sat down in front of her daughter, her heart racing with fear, "Tim? What's wrong with Tim. Sweetie, tell me"

Bobby had seen the breaking news report and immediately rushed home to Emily and Dena. Pulling the squad car into the driveway he then ran through the house, not finding them anywhere until he reached the back door. The two most important women in his life holding each other tightly, crying, rocking back and forth. He ran to their side engulfing both in his arms. Dena looked up, "is he" she hesitated.

"He's alive, but it's bad" he told her, his own tears trickling down his cheek.

"Jennings?" she stuttered.

"No ma'am, Jenika's father" he answered as her look of fear changed to disbelief.

"Why, I don't understand why" she stated as Bobby helped each of them up.

"I don't have all the details yet but I do have an emergency flight for us to Milwaukee. You need to pack quickly,

Adam, Austin and Rob watched silently at the news report banner displayed on the tv screen of the bus...

...Two arrested in domestic dispute involving acapella singer Tim Foust of the country group Home Free and wife Jenika Mae Marion at her childhood home of Marshfield, Wisconsin....

"They make it sound as if Tim's been arrested" Rob remarked sadly.

"I knew this wasn't a good idea, I had a bad feeling about him going there" Austin added.

"Guys, we don't know the full story yet. All we know is Tim's hurt, bad. We need to concentrate on him, for now" Adam replied.

"Where was Chance, I thought he was trying to stop something like this from happening" Rob asked.

"I told you there was something between him and Jenika" Austin commented while watching the TV for any signs of Tim in the reports.

"But he confessed to being gay. I don't think so, Austin" said Rob.

"He confessed to being bisexual, there's a difference" Adam responded.

"Still, he goes either way and I say that excuse is just that, an excuse to cover up what's really going on. With all Tim has done for him, this is a hell of a way to pay him back, just sayin" Austin stated.

"There's more to this than we know, there has to be. We'll find out more when we get there" Adam told them before heading to the back lounge.

Adam knew how Chance felt towards Tim and he was pretty sure Tim felt the same, though never gave into those feelings. The signs were obvious for quite some time, perhaps had they both not been so stubborn and opened up this would never had happened. He sat staring at his phone waiting for something, anything from Chance.

Watching as they rolled Tim into the emergency room Chance had a sense of dejavu, only this time the rolls were reversed. He listened as the Medics gave their report to the doctor of what had happened and the injuries he'd suffered. His heart sank looking at the beautiful face he'd loved for years, swollen and bruised, he choked back the tears that threatened to escape.

"That should be me, not him. I should have never convinced him to be with her. I thought that's what my life's work was, to bring him new life, love. I've done nothing but caused him severe pain, emotionally and now physically." he thought to himself as he watched the nurses and doctors work on his friend.

As the medics exited the room one stopped for a moment, leaning towards Chance he whispered "he's in good hands, Dr. Lynch is the best" before walking away.

Chance continued to stare as they cleaned his face and injected various needles into IVs. The doctor turned towards the door for just a moment before continuing to work on Tim. Why did he look so familiar, where had he'd seen him. He wasn't from this area and had only visited a handful of times so why would he have this feeling. Suddenly the medics words resonated in his mind...Dr. Lynch. Then realizing the doctor that had saved his life over five years ago was now, hopefully, doing the same for Tim.

Feeling the vibration of his phone, he stepped back to take the call. "Hey" he answered.

"We're just pulling into town and should be at the medical center in about fifteen minutes. How's he doing" Adam asked on the other end.

Chance explained what had happened so far and the emergency room staff were still working on him.

"So, Tim's not the one that's been arrested" Adam asked to confirm.

"No, Jenika and her father. He was for assaulting Tim but I still don't know why she was. I jumped in the ambulance with Tim...I just couldn't let him go alone" he replied again trying to hold back the tears that brimmed in his eyes.

"Ok, we'll be there soon. Please just stay with Tim till we get there" Adam told him.

"Believe me, I have no intention of leaving him alone" he thought as the doctor approached.

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