Chapter 2

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"You sure you don't want me to come with you" Chance asked concerned over the brave front Tim seemed to have put up.

"Yea, I'm sure. It's not everyday you have to tell your family the happy marriage you think you share has been filled with deception over your best friend" Tim stated, " offense."

"None taken, besides, I'm not sure what your momma will think if you bring the home wrecker along" Chance replied.

"Stop, you're not a home wrecker. She was a lieing, conniving bitch. We both were blind sighted" Tim said while putting his bag in the truck.

"How long before you'll be heading back? The tour starts back up this week" Chance asked.

"I'll meet up with everyone in Mankato, I've contacted Adam already. My flight is schedule for an early arrival and I'll just hop on the bus then" Tim explained.

"Flight? What about your truck?" Chance questioned.

"I plan on leaving it at my mom's. No telling what Jenika might do if I left it back home. I'll get it after the concerts we have scheduled for here and drive back to Tennessee on our next break" Tim explained, getting in the truck.

"Ok, sounds like a plan. Guess I'll see ya in Mankato then" Chance replied.

"Be careful driving back. And, thanks..for everything, I really appreciate it..all of it" Tim told him, starting the engine.

"No problem, you be careful too. See ya soon" he said, waving as Tim pulled away.

Hearing a vehicle pulling in her mom's driveway, Emily walked to the front of her house. Seeing Tim's truck concerned her. She quickly called Bobby before heading next door.

"Baby, I'm sure he just wanted to surprise her. You worry too much" Bobby told her.

"No, I don't think so. Something's up" she replied "he's alone, that can't be good".

"Baby, Ive got to go. Tell him I said hey, I'll see you later, ok"

"Ok, love you" they stated in unison before hanging up.

Tim stood on his mom's front porch, taking a deep breath, he knocked upon the door. "Be right there " she replied on the other side just as he heard footsteps behind him.

"Timmy, what's wrong" Emily asked running up the steps as Dena opened the door.

"Tim! What on earth are you doing here, why did you knock?" she asked before he surrounded her with his arms. Tim didn't say a word, he just held her tight.

Chance finally walked into his house completely exhausted, mentally and physically. Still trying to wrap his head around the events that took place the past few days, he flopped down on his bed hoping for some rest. Images of how he'd found Tim, sitting against Caroline's headstone, the empty whiskey bottle, hurting.  He felt responsible, he'd brought Jenika into his life and now she'd broken his heart. All he wanted to do was show him someone loved him, just as Caroline had, maybe even stronger than she had if that was possible.  But heavy doubt laid upon his mind. Tim was straight, would never be anymore than a brother. The only thing he could do would be to support him, help him live on and keep his true feelings to himself. Just like he had been doing the last six years. With a heavy sigh as tears escaped his eyes he finally drifted to sleep.

Dena listened intently as Tim explained what had happened. He showed no real emotion over the breakup, which greatly concerned her. When he lost Caroline his world had come to an end, he lost his life, his will to live. He'd vowed to never love again and when he finally let Jenika in she thought he had healed, that she'd been sent to bring him back to life. But now? She remained silent as he spoke.

"So, I sent her back to Wisconsin. She won't be touring with us and I'm hoping Adam dismisses her as our tour manager, but that's his call" he told them.

"Any possibility of reconciliation,  counseling" his mother asked.

Tim looked at her,  "Momma, it's over, for good. She's in love with my best friend.  Always has been. I don't know why I didn't see the signs with all the hovering over him while he was sick and through his recovery.  I just thought they were close friends" he replied, still without emotion.

"You mean to tell me she's in love with Chance, has been all along and you sit here and still call him your best friend? Last thing I would be doing his calling his damn cheating ass my best friend" Emily exclaimed.

"Watch your mouth, young lady" Dena scolded.

"Sorry, Momma but seriously? Timmy, if it were me, I'd kick his ass to the curb after all you've done for him" Emily continued.

"Calm down, squirt.  He never had a relationship with her. Hell, he found out about her conniving lies same time I did" Tim replied.

"But how could he not know, they'd been friends since college" Dena asked.

"She was very good at lieing and playing the supportive friend.  It never dawned on him she was anything but" he answered.

"I still don't think he's telling you the truth. Something had to be going on " Emily added.

"No, it's true, Em. How do I know? Let me just say he lives an alternative life style" he said, giving her a straight in the eye look.

Emily stared at her brother for a moment "oohh" she responded realizing what he meant.

Dena looked at the two, slightly confused. "What do you mean alternative"

"He's Gay, Momma" Emily replied.

"But, wasn't he engaged to be married, to Mina?" Dena asked Tim, still confused.

"Yes, but Jenika played on each of their emotions, helping them make decisions that she convinced them were best for each other. And she felt that by separating the two, she could 'change' Chance and his preference, to love her." he explained.

"So he's bi-sexual" Emily stated.

"Yes. And I hope that doesn't change how you both feel about him" Tim told them.

"I'm good with it" Emily replied as they both looked at Dena, waiting for a response.

"Makes no difference who you are or who you prefer. What's important is to have and be loved in your life" she told them.

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