Chapter 52

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With Satchmo by his side and Chance following behind, Tim walked into the courtroom. Quiet gasps were heard from the jury as he approached the attorneys who led him to his seat at the table. Marion shook his head in disgust, thinking how one sided the proceedings would be now after his pathetic entrance.

"Seriously, dark glasses and a seeing eye dog. This is bullshit" he not so quietly told his attorney.

"Be quiet. Any comment or outbursts from you about him are going to really sway the jury and the judge. Let me do the talking" he advised.

Tim nervously slid his fingers through the animals fur as Satch sat next to him, his head on his lap. Chance leaned from behind, whispering "just breathe, this will all be over soon".

"Not soon enough" he thought, feeling the stares from those nearby.

"All stand for the Honorable Judge James T. Kirk" the bailiff announced to the courtroom attendees as the judge entered.

"Please tell me he is not Capt. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise " Tim asked as he walked down the street with Chance and Satchmo soon after the Judge granted a two hour recess from the proceedings.

"No, dang it. Looks nothing like him either" Chance laughed holding the door open to the cafe.

From the sounds inside the cafe Tim could tell it was quite crowded. Chance knew he may have a difficult time and offered to just grab something and take it to the nearby park.

"No, it's alright. I can't hide forever, just sit me at a table with room for Satch" Tim advised holding Chance upper arm.

Finding one in the front corner near the door he pulled out the chair for Tim to sit facing away from the crowd. Satch quickly lay at his feet watching the other patrons as they passed by. Tim tried not to show how uncomfortable he was but he could feel the stares of the others, overheard a few whispers. Chance read aloud the menu that was on display behind the counter.  "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere" he told him as he went to place the order.

"Ha ha, funny guy" Tim sassed back reaching down to scratch Satch. The fur ball immediately sat up laying his head on his lap to help ease his anxiety. "Thanks buddy" he whispered as the pup scooted closer to him.

"Ok, you're sandwich is in the center of the plate and your water is at 1 o'clock beside it. It's cut in half already, I didn't request it before either" Chance advised placing the plate on the table.

"Thanks" Tim replied breaking off a small piece for Satch.

"You ready for the rest of the trial, you could ask James to request an extension.  You are still recovering ya know" Chance stated biting into his sandwich.

"I just want it over and done with, both of them. We have the divorce hearing the day after this concludes. The sooner the better I'm done with this whole mess" Tim replied reaching for the bottle of water. Chance grabbed the bottom of the bottle as it started to topple over. 

"Damn it" Tim commented as he felt it tip to the side.

"No worries, it's not open and it didn't fall. You're good " Chance told him.

Tim slid his glasses up slightly pinching his nose, "I'm not good, I'm so damn tired of this. I want my life back".

"I know, I know" Chance said barely above a whisper as he placed his hand on Tim's. Tim didn't pull away this time. Right now it seemed he was the only thing that was constant in his life and he needed that more than anything else.

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