Chapter 29

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"You're not supposed to be here...go back, you have to go back....please...please"

Jenika sat in the interrogation room, her hands cuffed to the ring secured in the table. "This is ridiculous, he beats me up, my dad beats him up for that but yet I'm arrested and sitting in this disgusting room" she says out loud as the investigators walk in.

"Well, your father has been arrested too Ms. Marion" the older of the two stated, tossing a folder on the table.

"So that's how it works around here. You arrest the victim, the person trying to protect the victim and let the friggin wife beater off scott free" she replied with a look of disgust.

"Ma'am, I'm sure we can get the whole mess straightened out as soon as you give us your statement" the younger one said with a smile.

Jenika smiled back, thinking a little flirting may get her out of this mess so she could get back to Chance, though she did wonder why he hadn't come to the police station yet.

The older officer stood in the corner giving his colleague a chance to gain her trust.

"I'm sure you've been through alot ma'am" he began when she stated, "please call me Jenika. Ma'am sounds so old for someone my age".

"Ok, Jenika...tell me what has happened to you as of late. You said your father was protecting you...why and from whom" he asked.

"Ugh...from Tim, my husband. You can't really see how bad the bruises were now, but my wrists were severely bruised as was my cheek. He was like a mad man. I walked in on him one night after a performance and was having sex...umm, in his dressing room with some groupie of the band" she explained, tears forming in her eyes.

The older investigator slid the box of tissues over to her just barely out of her reach. She gave him a look of discontent before the other officer slid them closer. Taking one out of the box she could barely move her hand close enough to wipe her eyes. "Can I please have my hands free " she requested.

"Sorry, ma'am..police policy" he answered with an emphasis on ma'am.
"Hmmpf" she responded trying to wipe her eyes.

"So if I may continue with a few said you walked in on your husband with someone else but that doesn't seem to explain the injuries you stated " the younger asked.

"What's your name" she asked again, trying to flirt and change the subject.

"Sorry about that, I'm investigator Swartz and this is my partner senior investigator Williams" he replied.

"So formal, what's your first name" she asked moving forward a bit to show some cleavage.

"Mm..Matt" he stuttered obviously distracted by her movement.

The senior investigator cleared his throat to get his junior partner back on track. "Ok, so state these bruises came from your husband" he continued.

Jenika explained her entire fabrication of lies of how Tim mistreated her and how she left out of fear.

"If I may ask, why didn't you report any of this before returning to Wisconsin" Swartz asked.

"I was afraid, I just wanted to get somewhere safe, with my family" she spoke quietly.

"I see" Swartz replied as Williams gave him a look that he was taking over questioning.

"Mrs. Foust, do you have any idea why we have you here today" Williams asked, leaning against the chair.

"No, apparently you've arrested me for being a victim of abuse. And my name is not Foust, ugh...friggin German. Do you know what that name means? It's pronounced "fust" in German means "fist" which totally explains his temper and abuse" she stated sarcastically.

"Ma'am, the reason you've been arrested is because there is a warrant for your arrest" Williams stated.

"For what, I haven't done anything" she demanded.

"Let me refresh your memory. During your recent flight home you engaged in an altercation with a David Holmes" he explained.

"What, I don't know anyone by that name. I told you I left in a hurry and flew directly home, alone" she retorted.

Picking up the folder Williams read the documents in front of him. "On this date you engaged in a physical altercation with Federal Sky Marshall Holmes after you showed psychotic behavior resulting in assaulting the Marshall" he read aloud.

"Psychotic behavior, the bitch next to me was harassing me. Besides, I already went before the judge that night and posted bail" she exclaimed.

"Did you not pay attention while before the judge" he asked raising his brow.

"What are you talking about, like I said, I posted bail" she retorted again.

"Ma'am, you were arraigned and given a court date to which you failed to appear at, hence the issuance of the warrant. Do you understand why now?" he asked.

"I want my lawyer" she replied.


Dr. Lynch had spoken with Chance updating him on Tim's injuries and course of treatment. "We're sending him up for tests, xrays, an MRI the usual to check for any underlying issues. I'm keeping him sedated so he can rest, he took quite a beating to his face" he told him.

"Thank you, I know he's getting the best with you here, which is a welcome surprise" Chance told him.

"Thank you, they made me an offer I couldn't pass up, plus it brought me back home. How are you, you doing ok, haven't seen you in awhile" Lynch said.

"Yeah, life on the road has been crazy. And now this..." he replied.

"And the headaches?" he questioned.

"I'm good, Doc. Do you know where the young girl is that came in right around the time Tim did, her name is Luisa?" Chance replied.

"She's just down the hall, follow me" Lynch replied taking him to the young girl.

Chance stepped behind the curtain. Luisa lay on the bed, sleeping. Stepping next to her, he lightly slid back her hair that covered her forehead "I'm so sorry, kiddo. I never meant for any of this to happen, especially to you" he said quietly.

Luisa stirred, "none of this is your fault"  she whispered. "Did they get her?"

"Her and you're Dad are both at the police station. I don't know what's happening. Right now I'm more concerned about you and Tim" he told her.

"I'm good, Chance. Please...find Tim, he needs you more right now" she smiled before drifting off to sleep.

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