Chapter 49

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The aroma of grilling steaks woke Tim from his nap before Chance or Satchmo could. Sitting up on the side of the bed he smoothed out his hair before reaching for his sunglasses knocking over the bedside lamp in the process. Satch was out on the patio with Chance when he perked up his ears reacting to the sound from Tim's room. He immediately ran to the door barking frantically scratching at the door.

Chance hadn't heard anything until Satch began barking. "Damn it, this can't be good" he said aloud as he opened the door and quickly followed Satch down the hallway. Satch pushed open the door Tim had left slightly ajar to find him sitting on the floor trying to pick up the broken pieces. Satch nudge him as Chance entered, " You ok, what happened " he asked kneeling down, taking his hands to stop.

Tim jerked his hands away, "I don't need your help, I can take care of this myself" he barked.

Satch nudged him again attempting to calm him. Tim told Satch to stop. The pup stood there, twisting his head to the side at the words and tone of his voice.

"Tim, you're going to cut yourself, the bulb shattered" Chance advised as he once again took his hand just before he grabbed the broken glass.

Reluctantly he gave in, moving aside as Chance picked up the pieces. Pulling himself up on the bed he sat quietly. "Please, just go...leave it be...and just go" Tim asked, his head hung low.

Chance tossed the broken pieces in the nearby basket and placed the lamp in the corner. He then sat next to Tim. "Talk to me" he asked placing his hand on Tim's knee.

"Just leave, please. Take Satch with you. I want to be alone" Tim replied.

"Tim, don't do this..." he began as Tim turned away.

"Do what, realize I'm blind and a burden. That I can't do anything for myself without it turning in to a disaster" he retorted.

"Listen to me" trying to pull him around to face him" none of that is true and you know it. The lamp is an object, it can be replaced, it's not a big deal" he replied.

"Not a big deal, huh. You don't understand " Tim retorted.

"You're wrong, I do understand, I know exactly what you're going through in more ways than one" he told him.

"It's not the same" Tim replied, still facing away from him. "When you're the one everyone relies on, has to be strong to get everyone else through whatever and can't even take care of yourself. It's not the same, damn it. So just leave me the hell alone and go, now. And take the damn dog with you" he yelled.

Chance wanted to just envelop him in his arms like Tim had done for him so many times before, but what was stopping him. He couldn't, he left the room as he wished while coaxing Satch out of the room with him.

Satchmo laid down just outside Tim's door refusing to go any further with Chance determined to not leave him. He gave him the look, the look of why are you walking away. Chance knelt down, "buddy don't do that to me. It breaks my heart to leave him alone but it's what he wants and I will not push. I can only hope when he's ready he'll let me in" he told the ball of fur before leaving to finish dinner.

Tim lay back on his bed curled up on his side, his back to the door. He felt like shit for yelling at his best friend and Satch. They didn't deserve it, he knew it but the anger that resonated within him outweigh his senses.

Chance finished cooking the steaks and corn, thankful he hadn't put them on the direct heat otherwise the fire department would surely have been called for a charcoal meal. He fixed himself a plate of food but not before he prepped Tim's, placing it in the fridge hoping he would eat it later. Sitting at the table facing the back fields between their homes he thought of happier times, times where everyone gathered together enjoying time away from the hectic recording and tour schedules, times where he watched the love of his life smiling and happy. He longed for those times and the new memories he wanted to make with him. Sadly he felt it would never be any more than just a dream. It didn't matter if Tim wouldn't love him the same way he did him, he just wanted him happy.

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