Chapter 47

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Dropping his bags inside he quickly showered and changed before heading over to Tim's. The middle of the night wasn't exactly the best time to return but he took his families advise and immediately went home to Tennessee.

Quietly walking in the back door he made his way to Tim's room but he wasn't there. Confused and slightly frightened he began to check the spare rooms. There at the end of the hall in the guest bedroom he found him sound asleep with Satch laying on the floor below. Chance signaled to Satch as he perked his ears hoping he understood not to wake him. He stayed silent as Chance gently lay down next to Tim. Tim felt his presence behind him and stiffened, afraid Jenika may have escaped and returned. Chance felt his fear and quickly placed his arm around him, "it's ok, it's just me" he whispered.

"What are you doing, why are you here, I'm not...." he asked groggily.

"Shh, go back to sleep. Just let me hold you like you did me so many times before" Chance replied quietly.

Tim immediately relaxed, sliding himself closer to Chance pulling his arm around under his own.


Tim was up before Chance, having to let Satch out to relieve himself. Not quite understanding what had happened in the middle of the night with him climbing in his bed he had to admit to himself it was comforting.

Trying to make breakfast was still a challenge so he opted on at least making coffee, something he knew he could handle even with his eyes closed.

Chance rolled over, stretching his back, smelling the coffee brewing down the hall he smiled.  "I could get used to this...oh shit, wait...I came home to help him not have him wait on me" he said aloud jumping off the bed.

Tim could hear the rapid footsteps coming down the hallway. Smiling as they suddenly stopped he chuckled "where's the fire".

"Oh, I ugh..just thought..." Chance stammered.

"You know where the cups are, help yourself. I can manage to make coffee but figured you'd want more than the usual bowl of cereal I've been eating lately" he told him sipping his coffee.

"I can make breakfast, what would you like" Chance asked.

"To be honest, I'd like to get the hell out of here for a bit" he replied.

"We can do that" Chance stated sitting down across from him.

"Great, just give me a bit to shower and change" Tim replied.

"Need any help" Chance asked.

"Ugh....No. I can still wash my own ass, thank you very much" Tim sassed.

"I ...I didn't mean.." Chance started.

"Lighten up, buddy. I know what you meant. I have the house memorized,  it's all good" he chuckled. "I'm sure the look on your face was priceless though".

"Not nearly as priceless as the vision in my mind" he thought smiling, drinking his coffee.


"Ya know, I think this is the first time you've let me drive your truck" Chance remarked as Satch jumped in the back while Tim slid into the passenger seat.

"Yeah, and I didn't have to get drunk to let you like you did for me to drive yours, though I would rather have that as my reason" Tim replied.

"I know, so how's your eye sight. Improving?" he asked pulling out of the driveway.

"Not as quick as I'd like but the last I was checked Dr. said it's healing on schedule. It's damn frustrating though when you can't see past your own nose. It's still dark and cloudy,  kind of like in black and white at times" Tim replied adjusting his sun glasses.

"Well, you've got two pairs of eyes to help you now, right Satch" Chance stated. Satch responded with a 'woof' from the back seat.

Pulling into the parking lot of the Sun Diner Tim became a bit anxious. Satch immediately responded by putting his paws up on his shoulder, laying his head next to him.

"Are you ok, we can go elsewhere, drive thru if you prefer" Chance offered noticing the change.

"No, I'm good...I mean, it's just's the first real time in public, ya know" Tim replied.

"Don't worry, you got this. Satch will guide you along and I'll run interference if needed" he assured him.

Immediately upon entering the diner an older waitress approached,  "I'm sorry but you'll have to leave the dog outside, no animals allowed. Did you not see the sticker on the door" she rudely told them.

"No ma'am, I did NOT see the sign because I CAN'T see a damn thing, hence the need of the dog" Tim sassed back.

"Ma'am, Satchmo, the dog you rudely refer to is a service dog. He is allowed inside restaurants to guide his handler wherever he goes. Now unless you would like a complaint made regarding this man's civil liberties I would suggest you allow us to enter" Chance stated as calmly as possible.

The manager saw the confrontation taking place and quickly stepped in "I'm sorry about that Tim, please excuse her behavior. Joyce, you're needed in the back, now" he told her.

"Noah? Is that you" Tim asked cautiously.

"Yes sir, finally made manager after all these years" he replied.

"Good for you...hey, I'm sorry about this..if you want us to leave we will" Tim apologized.

"No way, you're always welcome here. That sign was put up by the owner, mainly because some people were sneaking their pets in inside large pocketbooks or their coats and feeding them at the table. If you guys will follow me, I'll set you up myself" he explained,  guiding them to an area with plenty of space for Satch to lay near Tim.

"Thanks, Noah" Tim replied as he helped him with his chair. "I'll send Angela over to take care of your orders. If you need anything else, just let me know" he told them, leaving a menu with Chance.

Tim let out a deep sigh. "You ok" Chance asked looking over the menu.

"Yeah, this was exactly what I didn't want to happen. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you" Tim stated.

"Takes alot more than that to embarrass me. I sorta apologize for my response to the old lady" he told him.

"Sorta? You were right in what you told her" Tim stated

"Well, I probably could have been more tactful" Chance said as he saw the waitress approaching with drinks.

"You were, and thank you" Tim replied.

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