Chapter 7

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Chance finally landed in Minneapolis around 2pm. Gathering his bags he walked out the terminal to hail down a taxi not looking forward to the 80 mile trip to Mankato that lay ahead. His head pounding from all the stress, he searched through his bag for his medication, feeling the onset of a migraine emerging. "I don't need this right now"  he thought as he popped two pills and slipped on his sunglasses. As he stood at the entrance he heard a piercing whistle which could only mean one thing, Austin.

"Dang 'bout time y'all got here" Austin greeted, stepping out of the car.

"Yea, having your luck with flying" Chance replied tossing his bag in the back seat.

"'s been horrible. Be better off driving everywhere" he replied as they both got in the car. "So, ya need any food or anything".

"Nah, I'm good" Chance replied a bit quietly as his headache increased.

"You alright" Austin asked noticing the change.

Chance said he was but Austin knew better. He'd come to recognize the changes in Chance whenever anything bothered him, especially with his migraines. "Thought you weren't going to get those as much after the surgery".

"Stress induced, bud. Nothing to worry about" Chance replied as he settled in the seat, leaning against the window. Austin glanced over, guessing the stress had something to do with the last time they all were together.

Luisa pulled the car into the driveway of their parents home. Their Dad appeared from the garage having just finished mowing the lawn. Walking over he opened the passenger door greeting Jenika. As she stepped out he noticed the abrasion on her cheek, "what's this, little girl?" he asked, touching it lightly.  Jenika immediately began to cry "oh Daddy" as she buried herself into his chest. Luisa looked on with disgust at the pathetic display before her. How many times throughout their childhood had she watched this scene before her. "Poor Jenika, always the victim. Nothing was ever her fault. Bullshit" she thought to herself as she grabbed her sister's bags and followed the two inside.

Hearing everyone enter the home, Jenika's mom walked in from the kitchen, "there she is" she smiled, arms extended forward, "where's that handsome son in law of mine" she added.

Jenika cried even harder, clinging to her Dad. "I....I left him...he...he.." she began, staggering her words. Luisa stood by waiting, watching the three of them.

"What? What did he do" her mother asked quickly surrounding her in her arms.

"Jenika" her father stated sternly, " what did he do. Did he cause this" he demanded further as he moved her back from his chest. Her mother gasped as she saw the bruising on her face and wrists.

Jenika nodded as she continued to sob. Luisa looking at her as she stared at her, threatening her with her eyes.  She'd seen that look before, the same performance many times in the past.

"Where is that son of a bitch. How dare he lay a hand on you or any female. I want that bastard arrested" her father barked as he let her loose to grab his phone.

Jenika's mom led her to the sofa telling Luisa to get her a glass of water. "Baby calm down and tell us what happened".

Jenika sniffled, taking the water from her sister, refusing to look up at her. She took a large sip and a deep breath. "I caught him cheating, Mom. He suddenly lost weight, stopped drinking, was working out.  I thought well, good for him for getting into shape. But then I noticed changes. After performances he would sneak off, claiming to go with the guys when I went back to the bus. He wouldnt come back till long after everyone else had. I asked where he was and he always claimed out running. I believed him till one night I had to head back to a venue and found him in his dressing room with some groupie bent over the table while he fucked her " she replied, before covering her face in her hands.

"That bastard" her father retorted.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I never ever thought he was like that. How did you get these bruises" her mom stated, rubbing her back.

"When I confronted him. The whore ran off and he pinned my arms tight as he backed me up to the wall. I begged him why he did this, asked why I wasn't enough. That's when he slapped me in the face" Jenika lied.

Luisa looked at her parents, being sucked into yet another lie. She knew that's not how she got the bruises and she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt Tim never did what she said, he wasn't that kind. She vowed to make it her mission to prove once and for all what her sister really was. She had to get a message to Tim without her knowing, but how. Then it dawned on her, Chance. She slowly left the room unnoticed as they continued to fawn over Jenika.

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