Chapter 61

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Once Chance had Tim settled in the downstairs bedroom he took his bags upstairs.  He didn't want Tim getting hurt trying to maneuver the staircase even if he did have Satch with him. Standing on the balcony he took a deep breath of the warm gulf air.

"This is home, this is where we belong" he thought to himself gazing out over the ocean waves.

"Is it as beautiful as it was the last time we were here" Tim quietly asked from behind.

Startled, Chance turned quickly, "It is now" he answered looking at Tim as the light breeze blew through his hair. "What are you doing up here".

Tim stepped toward him, the brightness of the sun seemed to envelop Chance where he could see his silhouette enough to make his way to him. "I'm not a total invalid ya know" he replied.

"Where's Satch" Chance asked looking around for the pup.

"Laying on your bed, doesn't listen any more than you do" Tim smirked as Chance moved towards the doorway finding the pup laying on the bed wagging his tail. Turning back he found Tim holding on the railing facing the gulf waters.

"The last time I stood here I looked out across the waves, hoping to find a glimpse of you on your boat, praying that everyone was wrong that you weren't lost, gone forever. I'm not ashamed to say I was scared to death you would never be found" Tim told him.

"But you did find me, you always found me, one way or another and for that I will forever be greatful" he told Tim, putting his hand atop his.

Tim turned his hand around, lacing their fingers together. "Promise me something" he asked now holding his hand.

"If I can" Chance replied as Tim turned towards him.

"Be careful, never try to harm yourself no matter what may happen. Never go out on any adventure without telling me where you're going. I'm not trying to be controlling here, I've just had so much heartache and pain. I..I don't know if I can face that again.." Tim quietly explained.

Chance slid his hand alongside Tim's face, lightly caressing his cheek with his thumb, " I promise " he replied.

Tim pulled him closer, slipping his arm around his back, leaning down he tenderly kissed his lips. Chance slid his one arm around Tim's neck then the other around his back, closing the small cap between their bodies as Tim deepened his kiss. Chance parted his lips allowing him to explore his mouth with his tongue, sucking it gently.

Tim felt the painful growing reaction beneath his jeans. "Please touch me" he thought as he pushed himself against him as they continued to explore each others mouths.

"God, I want to feel him, taste him. Do I dare, is he ready. I don't want to mess this up" Chance told himself, desperately trying to not slide his hands along his body.

Stopping to catch their breaths Tim leaned his head against Chance forehead. Before he could stop himself Chance uttered, "I love you, truly love you more than anyone, ever...I know you need time, to think things over, I will wait as long as it takes.."

Tim placed his fingertips against his lips to silence him. "Show me...please show me what love is..this" Tim whispered.

"Are you sure?" Chance asked, his heart practically beating out of his chest.

"I've had feelings for you since we first met, but kept them hidden. I've fantasized about you so many times. I don't want to hide who I really am anymore. I want to know that it's not wrong to love you" Tim replied.

Chance led Tim back to his room. Gently coaxing Satch off the bed he tried to get him to leave but he refused by pushing against him. Finally Tim sent him on his way though he stood just outside the door as Chance whispered "I won't hurt him buddy" before closing it.

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