Chapter 11

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"Tim, can I talk to you " Rob asked while they approached the stage for a quick rehearsal.

"Sure, what's up" Tim replied stepping away from the stage.

"About last night, what Chance told us" Rob began, "you really think he'd leave us?"

Tim looked at him, shrugging his shoulders, "I pray he won't but after Austin's reaction, would you blame him".

"I know, that's what worries me. Austin crossed the line. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I was taken aback by what he revealed. But, we're family and family sticks together" Rob replied.

Tim looked at Rob with a slight smile "I'm glad you feel that way, we are family, no matter what" he told him.

"Can I ask you somethiing else" he asked.

"Of course" Tim replied checking his mic receiver.

"Do you still love her" Rob said quietly.

Tim waited a few seconds before answering. "Rob, I'm not sure I ever did. I don't feel a sense of loss, more anger than anything else, and betrayal. The past five years have been nothing but lies".

"What about Chance, you still feel the same towards him" he cautiously questioned.

"We've been through a lot as you well know. He's a victim too, Rob. He has been for quite sometime. She manipulated everything in his life for the past fifteen years or so.  The realization of what she did in the name of so called friendship,  that's not something he's going to get over anytime soon and I'll be there to help him through this too" he explained.

"You're quite a guy, Tim. I don't know of anyone who would be handling this like you are. I don't know if I could" Rob stated.

"You're stronger than you think Rob, but Kelsey would never have done this to you. You two are truly in love, much like..."Tim's voice trailed off.

"Like you and Caroline" Rob said,  finishing his sentence for him. Tim merely nodded in silence. "You will love again, Tim" he added.

"I don't think so Rob. It's time to concentrate on my music and us as a group. I won't go through any of this again. Now, let's get this rehearsal underway" Tim replied taking his place on the stage.

"Jenika, you better open this now or I"m going to" her father stated handing the envelope to her. Luisa came down the stairs just as Jenika started pulling the documents out of the envelope.

"How dare he" she exclaimed reading the first of many pages. "He beats me up and he's the one filing for a divorce. No way, no fucking way" she yelled.

"Watch your language, sweetie" said her mother who entered the room having heard the commotion.

Her father quickly grabbed the papers from her hand, reviewing them quickly. "Calm down, baby girl. He's not going to get away with this. I'll call our attorney Ben, we'll sue that bastard for everything he's got. You need to make a report with the police department as well, to document your injuries" he added.

"But her bruises are fading" Luisa pointed out. Jenika glared at her before looking at her wrists. She was right, they had faded quite a bit over the past thirty six hours. As she started to panic she began to wail, "Daddy, they'll never believe me" standing, burying her face against his chest. "Shhh, don't you worry. We'll take care of this" he said hugging her against him.

The wheels in her mind turning Jenika knew what her next move would be. She'd taken pictures with her phone, sent them to Chance and backed them up on her laptop. She had proof and would give them to the attorney when she met with him.

Luisa watched in amazement the act her sister performed for her parents, her best yet from what she could recall. Little did they know, her phone tucked in her pocket, was recording the entire conversation.

Chance decided to wait till after the concert to inform Tim and Adam of his voice mail from Luisa. There was enough tension between him and Austin as it was he didn't want to add to it now, especially before performing for a sold out crowd.

Normally he looked forward to the UVIP and VIP sessions with fans,  but tonight his mind was more preoccupied than ever, so much so one fan noticed and asked if he was feeling alright. Assuring them all was good, he answered their questions and posed for pictures just like any other night, silently reminding himself not to slip up about anything.

While Adam was performing his solo and the rest took a break off stage, Chance suddenly felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. Quickly checking he found a text from Luisa 'She has the papers, getting Dad's attorney and police involved. Warn Tim, she's planning something, she's not stepping aside quietly, she's crazy' he read.

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