Chapter 4

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Chance sat under the large oak tree at the back field watching the colors change from the setting sun. For the first time in a very long time he felt lonely. As he sat there alone all he could think of was if he was losing the best friend he ever had over confessing his true self and the feelings he'd been hiding. "Is he the one, the only real love for me? " he said aloud. Closing his eyes he imagined what it would have been like had they met earlier in life. Would they have been wild, carefree, attracted to one another? Tears formed in his eyes, "he's straight, he doesn't feel the same as me. Besides, after this mess with Jenika even if there were the slightest remote chance he ever did, it would surely be gone now after all the hurt he's suffered" he told himself.  He decided then and there, though the hurt inside would never end, he would ignore his feelings and concentrate on healing their friendship at all costs. It was the best he could do after Tim had saved his life not once, but twice.

Tim lay on the bed staring at the ceiling, thinking when there was a light tap on the door. "Come in, Momma" he replied.

"You alright? You hardly ate anything and was very quiet at dinner" Dena stated sitting on the bed beside him.

Tim rolled to his side, propping himself up on his arm. "I'm ok, Momma. Don't worry about me".

Dena pushed back his hair from his face, "baby, I will always worry about you".

"I'm sorry if I've disappointed you. I never intended to do that" he solmenly replied.

"Timmy, you've never disappointed me in any way, not ever. Why would you think that" she asked.

Tim shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. I just feel like my life isn't turning out the way you'd hoped"

"It's not about what I hoped for, Tim. It's about what you want, your dreams" she replied.

"Well, it really hasn't turned out totally the way I hoped. I mean, Caroline...Momma she was the love of my life, but my dream of growing old with her was taken away too quick" he told her.

"Sweetie, that wasn't your fault,  she was sick, you couldn't stop that. And you gave her a wonderful life" Dena replied.

"I tried, momma..I really tried" Tim answered quietly.

"You more than tried, you did, Tim. She knew" Dena added.

"Then, I did what I promised. I did love again, or at least I think I did.  I don't understand why this happened" he stated.

"I don't know, baby. For reasons unknown to us, perhaps for a life lesson. But I also know in my heart that everything happens for a reason. It's all part of the plan" she explained.

"I wish I knew what my plan is supposed to be" Tim replied.

"You will, one day you will" she assured him before hugging him tight. "Get some sleep, you have an early day tomorrow"

"Thanks, Momma. Oh and no need to take me to the airport. Bobby wants me to speak with an attorney friend of his before I leave so I'm going in with him and then he's taking me to the airport " he told her.

"Alright but not before breakfast. You're not leaving on an empty stomach" she told him with a quick kiss on the head before she left his room.

"Yes ma'am" he smiled laying down to sleep.

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