Chapter 8

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Finally meeting up with Tim in Mankato the guys began the four hour drive to their next venue in Fargo, North Dakota. Chance and Tim barely spoke when they boarded the bus, causing Rob and Austin to speculate there was a problem between them after the get together, whispering amongst themselves about their silence and the fact Jenika hadn't come back with Tim. Adam overheard their conversation and tapped Tim on the shoulder "we need to tell them, they need to know". Tim nodded in agreement as he looked at Chance staring out the window at the passing countryside.

"Guys, we need a meeting," Adam began. "There are some major changes taking place we need to discuss."

Everyone centered their attention to Adam as he explained what had taken place thus far resulting in Jenika being dismissed.

"Isn't that a bit harsh" Austin began, "I mean we always said we wouldn't interfere if they ever had marital problems"

"This affects all of us Austin not just Tim" he added.

"Tim, isn't there a better solution? Counseling perhaps?" Rob asked.

Tim slid his hands through his hair, how could he explain the real reason, and should he. He looked to Chance for some sort of sign, but nothing. Chance would not look him in the eye. He felt he'd betrayed Tim by not letting him know she had contacted him and sent the photos while he was away on top of feeling responsible for the entire mess to begin with.

"Not this time, Rob. We're done, it's over" Tim replied.

"I just don't understand why you won't give it a chance. Don't you still love her" Austin asked.

"It's complicated, Austin. Believe me, this is the best, for everyone " Tim answered.

Rob and Austin sat staring at Tim  wondering how he could just give up so easily, to just send her packing back to Wisconsin.

"So what happens now, is she gone for good" they asked practically in unison.

"Yes, she's been let go.'s more" Adam stated with hesitance.

"What do you mean there's more" Tim asked, dropping his voice making Rob shudder at the thought of what may happen next.

"Tim, she's sent of injuries she claims you caused to her" Adam stated.

"To who, to the media? Who has them?" he demanded.

"I do" Chance answered, handing his phone to Tim.

Tim stared at him, grabbing the phone he scrolled through the pictures. "I didn't do this, I never laid a hand on her or anyone, ever" he growled tossing the phone back in disgust.

Adam took the phone, passing it to Austin and Rob. They looked at each photo in disbelief. The bruised wrists, the abrasion to her cheek, swollen eyes from crying.

"When did you get these?" Tim demanded looking back and forth between Chance and Adam.

"She sent them to me the night I got back, while you were still in Texas. There are text messages too. I didn't respond to any of them, Tim. I was unsure if I should send them to you especially with you home to inform your mom and sister about the breakup. I figured I should get them to Adam, that he would know what to do." Chance explained while Tim paced around the small area of the bus.

"Of course she would contact you. Didn't take the bitch even 24 hours before she did" Tim spat out in sarcastic anger.

"Come on Tim, that's not fair.  They have been friends for a long time. Her going to him for help isn't a surprise" Austin commented.

"For help? You think I did this to her?" Tim yelled back.

"Tim, calm down. It's time they knew the truth, all of it" Chance stated.

"Well, it would be nice because I'm as confused as hell right now" Rob told them.

"Grab a bottle boys, this is gonna take awhile" Chance informed them with sudden courage.

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