Chapter 37

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Tim had been in the hospital for three days, in and out of consciousness due to the pain medications, he was unable to focus his thoughts and at times felt as if he were hallucinating. He believed to be having conversations with Caroline but then often thought that meant he was dead, which in some ways felt comforting while frightening in others. The pain of her loss was gone during the times he felt she was near, then another fear became overwhelming, the fear of leaving his loved ones behind.

Chance had been by his side since being released from the police station. Once Bobby and Luisa provided their proof, he'd been vindicated in having any involvement with Jenika or in Tim's assault.

Jenika's father was facing a court date for sentencing in his case against Tim. In Wisconsin, battery against another person that causes substantial bodily harm, which in Tim's case was determined by the facial fractures and temporary vision loss, resulted in a felony charge against him that could result in spending three to fifteen years in prison with a fine of up to $50,000. He'd been released on bail to his attorney until that date.

Jenika was presently still behind bars at the county jail. She was only facing the charges against the air marshall, though he was a federal police officer and she could have been released on bail, the band's attorney and the marshall's sought for her to remain behind bars due to being a flight risk. She and her attorney had demanded a trial which would be taking place as soon as Tim could be released.

Having dozed off he immediately woke at the sound of Tim's voice. "Hey, anyone here" Tim asked aloud, desperately trying to open his eyes to see if anyone was in the room.

"I'm right here" Chance assured him.

Tim let out a sigh of relief, a tear trickling down his cheek.

Chance wiped it gently away, "what do you need" he asked as he raised the head of the bed a bit more.

"To get the hell out of here and get my life back. I can't take this anymore, Chance. I feel like I'm losing my mind" Tim retorted.

"I know, I totally understand how you feel" he replied quietly.

"Damn, I'm sorry. Of all people I know you know, I'm just frustrated, ya know. How long have I been here" he asked a bit less angered.

"Three days" Chance replied.

"It feels a hell of alot longer " Tim replied as Emily and Dena entered the room.

Emily smirked and began to speak when Chance shook his head and silently mouthed "Not a good idea". She took his warning and simply said good morning to her brother.

"Is it, is it really a good morning" Tim replied sarcastically.

Dena walked to the other side of the bed, taking his hand in hers, "yes it is, you've been blessed with another day of life" she told him.

"Some life, Momma" he sassed.

"Timothy Regan Foust" she began.

"That's my cue to step out" Chance told Emily as he slipped out the door. He knew Tim was about to get a good tongue lashing from his Mom and would not be able to suppress his laughter. He knew how Tim felt, why he was acting out but he also knew Dena would not stand for his pity party and he wouldn't be able not to react to her scolding her thirty seven year old son.

Exiting the hospital he found not as many fans waiting nearby, not even the press was lurking on the front lawn any longer. Unsure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, he made his way down to cross to the park across the street unnoticed. Sitting down under a large tree, leaning his back against it, he rest his arm upon his knee and slid his hat over his eyes.

Suddenly feeling a presence nearby, a soft touch on his hand, the familiar aroma, he couldn't move. It couldn't possibly be.

"Chance" she said quietly, now holding his hand kneeling beside him as he looked up.

"" he stuttered.

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