Chapter 36

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"Em, will you be ok here alone with your mom" Bobby whispered.

"Why, where are you going" she whispered back.

"Y'all don't need to whisper, I'm not asleep" Tim spoke up.

"Hey big brother, how ya feeling" Emily asked stepping to his bedside.

"Like I hit a brick wall" he replied.

"You need anything, should I get the nurse" she asked anxiously.

"Yea, squirt if ya don't mind I could use some pain meds" Tim asked.

"Sure, I'll be right back" she replied scurrying out the door.

"Bobby, you have to find Chance. I know he's not with the others, he would have been in here by now" Tim told him.

"A police officer picked him up about three hours ago, we haven't heard anything from him. I was just going to tell Emily I was going to go down there" Bobby replied.

"What about Jenika and her family, where are they" Tim asked turning towards where he heard Bobby's voice.

"Jenika and her father were taken away in handcuffs. I don't know about her mother, haven't seen her. Luisa was here" he told him.

"You need to find her too. She told me she was going to take care of things. Bobby, please find them, find them both before it's too late" Tim pleaded.

"I will, you rest" Bobby assured him as Emily and the nurse returned.

"Mr. Foust, I'm going to add the pain medications to your IV, you should feel  relief immediately and sleep for most of the night. I'm also adding eye drops the doctor ordered to keep your eyes moist while they heal. I'll do that after the injections so as not to cause anymore pain" she advised.

"Thank you ma'am....but please call me Tim" he slowly replied as she pushed the medication into the IV.

Turning to log in the computer she advised Emily and Bobby that he would now sleep for the next several hours and suggested they get some rest themselves.

Bobby convinced Emily that would be best for her and Dena. It had been an extremely emotional day for everyone,  especially them and he wanted to ensure they could try to rest while he went to find Chance. Walking into the waiting room everyone quickly stood.

"What's wrong, is he ok" Dena asked approaching the two.

"He's sleeping, Momma. He asked for more pain meds and the nurse said he'd sleep the rest of the night" Emily informed her.

Taking a deep sigh she embraced her daughter, "good, that's best for him" she replied.

"And you, both of you Ms. Dena. You need to rest, between the traveling and the stress, you need to get to the hotel. Tim's in good hands, they know who to call if anything changrs" Bobby told her.

"I suppose, I am tired...I just hate leaving him here...alone" she replied.

"He'll be ok, Ms. Dena. Like you said Tim is strong. They'll take good care of him" Rob assured her.

"You boys best get some rest too. Y'all put up a good front trying to convince me but I know you're just as worried" she told the others.

"Yes ma'am, we will" Adam stated before pulling Bobby aside.

"Have you heard from Chance" Adam asked him.

"No I was just about to ask you the same" Bobby replied.

"I don't like this, not one bit" Adam stated as Emily and Dena walked out to the hallway.

"I'm heading to the police station as soon as I get them back to the hotel. Where's that lawyer you told Chance was coming" Bobby asked.

"He said he was on his way but that was three hours ago. I figured he'd go directly to the police station, he was coming from Mankato" Adam told him.

"Well, I hope he's there by now. I have a feeling he's gonna need him" Bobby remarked.


Walking up the steps to the municipal building Bobby slipped by the large group of onlookers and media that had gathered. Being unknown had its advantages giving him a quick access inside. Making his way to the front desk he pulled out his shield and introduced himself to the desk officer.

"Sure Sgt, I'll advise the investigators on the case you are here. If you don't mind waiting over there, feel free to help yourself to the coffee" he replied leaving the desk area.

Bobby turned towards the seating area where he found Luisa pacing back and forth. "Luisa, what's going on, have you talked with Chance" he asked taking her by the arm.

"Thank God you're here, maybe now these idiots will listen to me. They won't tell me anything, won't let me see him, made comments about me being like that bitch of a sister of mine and stuck me over here with her, my useless mother" she told him.

Mrs. Marion sat meekly in the chair in the corner, surprised by the tone of her daughter's voice, yet said nothing on her own defense.

"Stay with me. The officer went for the investigators working the case, I'll make sure they listen to you. Do you have the evidence of what's been going on" Bobby asked.

"Yes, it's all right here in my phone" she said handing it to him.

"Perfect" Bobby replied as the desk officer and Inv Williams returned. Bobby immediately introduced himself, explaining his connection and the evidence contained in Luisa's phone.

"This young lady is Luisa Marion," William's questioned.

"Yes sir, I am" she replied.

"Miss we've been out looking for you ever since Mr. Ray stated you could collaborate his story " he stated.

"Sir, I've been here all this time but he (pointing to the officer now at the desk) refused to allow me to speak with anyone stating he knew I was the bat shit crazy bitches sister" she explained loudly.

"I'll deal with him later. You two, please come with me" he advised.

"Get Swartz back here now" he barked at the desk officer before leading them to his office.


Sitting in front of the TV, watching the various media reports unfolding regarding the circumstances surrounding the now public break up of Tim and Jenika Foust, they looked at the phone in their hand. Hitting replay repeatedly, the decision to finally share the video taken from the night of the flight to Wisconsin had come.

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