Chapter 39

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Chance contacted Adam while Olena spent time with Tim. Figuring he better give him a heads up so he could warn Austin, hoping for a calmer reunion for the others. Their split had been a long time coming, the relationship having turned toxic for both at some point. Now was not the time to air any discontent, more than enough of their private lives had become public.

"Got it, where she staying" he asked.

"She's at the same hotel as we are, different floor. You know they are going to end up running into each other, it's inevitable" Chance told him.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him. How long she here for" he asked.

"Maybe till after the trial, not sure. Hey, she needs to meet with Terrence as soon as possible. You know where he's staying?" Chance asked as Olena came out of Tim's room. He held up a finger to let her know he'd be off the phone in a minute.

"He flew back to Mankato this morning. I don't think he plans on returning till the trial but I'll contact him once we're done. Do you know what kind of information she has" Adam stated.

"No idea, all I know is she said she had to come to help and that she needs to speak with the attorneys. Hey, gotta go she just came from Tim's room" he replied.

"Gotcha, talk to you soon" Adam replied.

Walking towards him Olena raised a brow " Giving a warning I'm here" she asked.

"You know I needed to, but only to Adam. He'll keep him in line" Chance assured her.

"I'd like to think after all this time we've both matured and can act like civil adults around each other" she remarked as Dena, Emily and Bobby arrived.

"Hello Ms. Dena" she greeted with a smile. Olena had always enjoyed Dena and Emily's company, both had made her feel welcomed whenever she'd been around with the guys.

"Oh my goodness, Olena what a wonderful surprise. Have you seen Tim yet" Dena greeted.

"Yes ma'am. I just came from his room" she replied as she gave her a quick hug.
"Em, it's great to see you again. You too Bobby" she added.

They continued for a few minutes with small talk before Dena and Emily went in to visit with Tim. Bobby remained in the hallway with her and Chance.

"Olena came all this way to try to help Tim" Chance told Bobby.

"Really? How can you help" he asked.

"I'd rather not explain right now, especially in the hallway, you never know who's listening. I was watching all the insane reports on the news stations and in the papers, I just knew I had to do something.  Just because Austin and I are no longer together doesn't mean I don't care about all of you. You've always been my family in one way or another. I just couldn't sit back and watch any longer" she told them.

Chance put his arm around her, bringing her to his side. "You will always be family" he told her with a smile.

"I told Tim that I came as soon as I could having heard what happened, but he doesn't know anything more. I need to speak with the attorneys before anyone else. You'll understand why after that. I'm going to head back to the hotel, would you like to meet for dinner later" she told him.

"Yeah, sure" Chance replied. He hadn't spent much time away from Tim but needed it and needed to be sure he was around to referee if need be.

"I think Dena wants to head back home for a few days until the trial, but I'll double check with her in a bit" Bobby replied.

"Ok, great. If all are in agreement how does six sound to meet. I'm not familiar with a lot of this area so if you'd like to meet in the hotel restaurant I'm good with that" she told them.

"Yeah, that's good. More convenient for everyone too" Chance stated.

"Awesome, see you then" she stated walking toward the elevators.

Both watching her Bobby asked " does Austin know?"

"Not yet" Chance replied.

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