Chapter 54

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Ben and James stood as Judge Kirk entered the chambers. Ben began to say something when Kirk demanded, 'Sit. Now "

Both immediately sat without uttering a word. James had no idea why he'd been called in the room. Tim had been respectful when answering everyone. He himself had not made any issue either, other than defending Tim's rights and felt he'd also done that properly.

"Stein...explain to me why in the hell you entertained the idea of going to trial for a sentencing. A sentencing, a cut and dry sentencing based on the facts provided by the police investigation and the DA's office".

Stein hated to admit to the judge he knew it was uncalled for but the amount of money Marion was paying for his representation of both himself and Jenika was just too much to turn down so he gave him everything he asked.

"With all due respect your honor, that is attorney-client privilege" he answered.

Kirk looked at him, obviously angered by his response. "As it is my privilege to place you right alongside your client in that jail cell" he informed him with glaring eyes.

"What about his actions, parading Foust in here with a seeing eye dog, playing the sympathy card for the jury" remarked Stein.

"Your honor, it was not a gimmick or a ploy towards the jury. Tim has lost most of his sight from the injuries sustained. The dog was assigned before release from the hospital" James explained.

"I've read the reports Mr. Bates" Kirk replied flipping through the folder in front of him. "Did you bother to review them Mr. Stein?"

"It was my understanding once he was released from the hospital he was well enough to return to his home in Tennessee. I failed to see where that proved any long term effects" Stein responded.

"So what you're saying is you have not read the actual reports" Kirk retorted.

Realizing the judge could see right through his bullshit answers Ben finally answered "No sir, I have not read the reports"

Kirk slid the folder to him, "I suggest you do so now and absorb every bit of information provided on every single page, understood"

"Ye...Yes...yes sir" Stein replied as he took the folder.

Picking up his phone he informed his secretary to send in the bailiff. Not a moment later there was a knock upon the door before the bailiff entered.

"Thomas, advise the jury their services are no longer needed. Also remind them to use discretion in regards to any inquiries from the media and others" Kirk advised.

"Yes your honor" he acknowledged before leaving the room.

"Mr. Bates please bring Mr. Foust to these chambers in thirty minutes" he told him.

"Yes your honor" he replied as he stood to leave the room passing Stein as he had his nose buried in the folder.

Walking through the hallway of the courthouse James couldn't help but think about what the judge's plan might  entail. He walked outside looking for Tim finding him no where insight. He had 20 minutes to find him and return to the judges chambers. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and began to text Chance. If anyone knew where he was it would be him.

"I...I can't..I'm not.." Tim quietly protested as Chance touched his face sliding the back of his hand softly along his cheek.

"Sometimes your mind needs more time to accept what your heart already knows" Chance whispered against his lips as he cupped his face.

Tim closed his eyes, the sensation pulsating through him as Chance gently kissed him. The tenderness in his touch, his words were comforting but his mind reeled with images of what Jenika had put him through. He pulled away, "I can't..please...I can't " Tim solemnly whispered just as a knock was heard on the bathroom door. Thankfully Chance had locked the door for privacy when they entered. He quickly stepped aside and called out "Just a second".

"Chance, it's James. Is Tim with you? The judge wants to speak to him in ten minutes " he asked through the door.

"Yea, we'll be out in a minute" he replied.

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