Chapter 25

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"I wish we knew what was going on" Rob texted Kelsey as the bus made it's way to Milwaukee.

"Hopefully Tim can get everything straightened out so you all can relax and get back to concentrating on your music. I'm totally surprised by Jenika, I really thought she cared for Tim. I feel bad for him having lost one love to disease and yet another to deceit" Kelsey wrote.

Rob didn't, wouldn't tell Kelsey about the rest of what had him concerned, he didn't want her to worry.  It was hard enough on her to be alone with Lydia and Charlie plus trying to work while he was away. The last thing he wanted was to add more to the burden he felt he left her with for his career, but the guilt of not telling her the truth still made his stomach churn.

Adam lay in his bunk playing his usual video game to calm his anxiety of what was yet to come. He hadn't dealt well with uncertainty most of his life but he'd stepped up over the past few years, growing as a man and a brother to his bandmates. He would do anything he could for any one of them but the dark cloud that hung over them all now was a bit overwhelming. There had to be a way to protect everyone, he just needed to find it.

Austin sat in the back lounge, unable to sleep he scrolled through his laptop searching for as much information as he could find on what had happened with Caroline, her father and Boden. The hell his friends had gone through back home at the hands of the serial rapist and killer had been pushed far, far back in his mind, until now. He wanted, needed answers and most of all he needed to know what he was up against in order to protect those he loved the most.

Emily sat up in bed, her knees pulled up to her chest as Bobby lay next to her sleeping. Memories of the horrible assault to Caroline played over in her mind. "How in God's name could they release such an evil, vile person back into society. He deserves to rot in prison for what he did to her, to everyone "she whispered to herself.

Bobby rolled over awakened by the sound of her voice. "Baby, you ok" he asked rubbing his hand along her leg.

"Yes, go back to sleep. I'm sorry I woke you" she replied.

Bobby sat up next to her, "Nice try, but I can tell when something is bothering you" he replied pulling her close. "Talk to me, what's wrong".

Emily nuzzled into his side "I just don't understand how, how could they release Jennings after everything he did"

"That's just it, Em. He didn't actually do anything, physically that is. He conspired, manipulated and allowed what happened back then. He knew just what he could get away with without getting his hands dirty. He played the game, and then played the system, which is why he is now out on parole, free to live his life out from behind bars" he explained.

"It isn't right, none of it" she replied.

"No baby, it's not. But don't worry, you and your mom will be safe, trust me no one will get anywhere near you. I promise" he assured her, pulling her closer.

"I know you will...but what about Tim and the others" she asked. "It's bad enough Jenika lied to him, not to mention Chance. She's just as crazy as Jennings in my book. God, I wish we could all just start over and wake up from this friggin nightmare"

"What do you mean how did I get in here. Didn't you get the envelope I left at the desk for you? "

'Shit, I forgot about that and just stuffed it aside' he thought to himself.

"I think I did, I was just so tired when I arrived I guess I totally forgot about it" he replied walking in from the balcony "I guess I'm confused a bit, how did you know I'd be staying here"

"Who do you think made the arrangements. You think Adam would have given you these exquisite accommodations "

"But how?"he asked.

"Sweetie, I think you've had a bit too much to drink. Have you forgotten, this is my job, and now it's my job to concentrate on you, us, together"

Chance stood still as their lips connected, hands sliding up under his shirt, nails dragging against his chest. The tequila making his head spin, his eyes closed, the vision before him of the one he truly loved. He felt his hand being lifted, feeling the full bare breast in his hand suddenly awakening his senses. He immediately backed away.

"What the hell, you bastard I knew it.  You're not here for me, you're here to protect that son of a bitch I married" she screamed at him.

"Jenika, sweetie..listen to me. That's not true" he stated grabbing her wrist as she tried to hit him.

"You fucking liar" she yelled, trying to release from his grasp.

"Stop it and listen to me.. LISTEN TO ME" he told her raising his voice.

He had to convince her she was wrong, especially now " is not the time or place for us. I will not take another man's wife. Do you understand, I can't until your divorced. I can't do that to you" he lied, hoping she believed him.

"What do you mean can't do that to me. I want you, I don't want him, I've always wanted you" she cried.

As much as he hated to, he pulled her closer, kissed her tenderly and whispered "it will be worth the wait, I promise"

"Can I at least stay here, with you, tonight. I know you will be leaving soon. Just to cuddle, to hold me so I will have something to hold onto while we're apart, please " she pled as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

Chance looked at her, knowing he had to keep her trust he led her to the bed where he lay down, pulling her to him, cradling her in his arms. Stroking her hair until she fell asleep he longed for the time that she indeed would finally  be divorced but not to be with her, but rather with Tim.

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