Chapter 5

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Sitting in the airport waiting area, Chance scrolled through social media. So far so good, Jenika had not posted anything about the split or allegations of abuse. He was glad he'd shared everything she'd sent him with Adam. Knowing he would handle it all with their attorneys was a load off his mind. But Tim still needed to know. Should he tell him or Adam, he wondered as his phone alerted of a new text message.

Hesitating at first, he finally opened it. "Hey..having Jeff come over and change the locks on the house and set up security cameras. ..You may want to do the same" Tim had wrote.

"Whatever you want, it's your place" he texted back.

"'s YOUR home" Tim replied.

"But.." he sent back.

"Don't even go there. Here's his contact number give him a call before you leave" Tim wrote.

"At airport waiting for my flight, supposed to be early but you know the luck we've all had with flying lately. Should have been on board an hour ago" Chance replied.

"Great..mine is later this afternoon. At PD now" Tim replied.

Nervously he asked if anything was wrong, hoping Jenika hadn't started something.

"No, all good..precautionary only. Gotta go, get ahold of Jeff, see ya later " Tim finished.

Chance knew Tim was right about the changes around the property, he may need a fortress by the time he's finished with her. He'd been contemplating moving, getting a place of his own one day, maybe now was the time seeing he'd only agreed to move there during his rehab. He made a mental note to check other areas as he dialed Jeff's number.

Having just been bailed out of jail due to the airplane incident, Jenika sat quietly in her sister's car as they drove towards home.

"Not a word of this to mom and dad" she stated, checking her phone for a response from Chance.

Luisa looked at her sister "you're crazy, you know that. They're bound to find out, Jen. For crying out loud you assaulted a federal marshall. What the hell is wrong with you"

"You don't know what you're talking about. He assaulted me over an arguement with an aggressive fan. This woman would not stop harassing me. I tried to defend myself and he stepped in between, getting struck. It wasn't my fault but he took her side" she lied to her.

Luisa didn't believe her for a minute. Jenika had a history of lieing to get out of just about any predicament. Always coming out smelling like a rose, she could do no wrong in her parents eyes. But, she knew better. She'd heard stories, seen her actions before, she knew what she was capable of. She wondered what she had done now that she was home just as the tour was getting ready to take off again. But more importantly, where was Tim right now.

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