Chapter 20

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A glass struck the door as Adam walked into the back lounge. "What the hell are you doing" he demanded as Tim continued to yell and throw things around. Taking ahold of his arm he swung Tim around to look at him. "What the fuck are you doing" he yelled.

"He's out, that mother fucker is OUT" he yelled back.

"Who's out, what are you talking about" Adam asked.

"Jennings, he's out of prison, damn it" Tim bellowed, loosening himself from Adam's grip.

"Who the hell is Jennings, why was he in prison" Adam asked, stepping aside as Tim threw another glass "Stop breaking shit, will ya and calm down" he added.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down? That bastard nearly killed Caroline and I" Tim yelled.

"Sit your ass down, NOW!" Adam demanded pushing Tim onto the sofa. Tim looked up, about to stand when Adam practically stood on his feet " Don't Even" he warned.

Tim leaned his head back against the sofa. Hearing the commotion, Austin and Rob came running to the back of the bus. "Whoa, what's going on in here" Austin asked knowing far to well that the stance Adam was in meant he would kick some ass if he needed to.

"Alright, alright" Tim replied, finally trying to calm himself so he could explain.

Rob looked at the broken glass everywhere, " this about Jenika and Chance" he asked cautiously.

Tim sat back up, the anger had turned to fear "oh God, I've got to warn them"

"Wait, what? Tim start explaining, we can't help if you don't" Adam stated.

"Jennings,  he's Caroline's father. He was sentenced to 25 yrs to life in prison. He conspired with her professor and a curator in New York so she could accept an offer that she didn't want but her father did" Tim began.

"Seems a bit extreme" Rob commented.

"Somehow he found her mother's step brother to help him who tried to assault Caroline when she was twelve. He tampered with my truck to cause an accident, supposedly to get me out of the picture but we were both in the truck. Thankfully, neither of us were hurt" he continued.

"I'm confused" Austin said, sitting down next to Tim.

"He contacted this guy who began stalking me, or so we thought. He sent emails making threats to me, followed me, parked outside our apartment. But we soon learned I wasn't the one. He kidnapped Caroline, he..he.." Tim hesitated as the images from that day came rushing back. He began to sob, " I couldn't protect her. She found out who it was, went looking for him, finding him at her parents. He beat her, tied her up and tried to rape her. If we hadn't gotten there when we did.." he stopped talking as he cried harder.

"Oh my God" Rob gasped.

"So this bastard allowed his daughter to be a victim" Adam stated, anger growing in his voice. " So where is that bastard, is he out too"

"He's dead. A mutual school friend of ours was in the county lockup for a simple DWI. When he heard that Boden was being held there until trial, he...he took care of him. He killed him, stabbed him to death" Tim explained.

"Did you say Boden, James Boden" Austin asked.

Tim looked at him, brow raised "You know that fucker" he asked, his voice deep and threatening.

"Whoa, hold on Cowboy. Not in a good way. He did the same thing to one of my buddies sisters. Someone had even burned down where it happened. We didn't know who'd done it till they said there was an investigation across the country for this predator" he explained.

"I'm sorry, Austin. Where is she now" Tim asked.

Austin choked back the lump in his throat, " took her own life before anyone could find him".

Tim walked over to Austin, embracing him he said over and over how sorry he was.

"So if he was the one behind all this, its over" Rob stated.

"No, it's not over, Rob. I got a call earlier from Bobby telling me they let Jennings out for time served. He made a threat to one of the other inmates after Caroline and I made a trip to the prison, she needed to express exactly how much she loathed him before she passed. He always felt I took her away from him, he vowed that some way, some how,  some day he would make me pay, he would take away those I loved" Tim replied.

"Shit. Your Mom, Emily..are they safe" Austin asked.

"Yes, Bobby has them protected, 24 hrs a day, he doesn't think they will be the targets. But you guys, Chance and Jenika could be in danger, especially Jenika" Tim explained.

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