Chapter 55

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Gail entered their home obviously distraught, her makeup smeared from crying. Luisa met her at the top of stairs as she came out of her bedroom noting her father was not with her.

Gail stopped as her daughter walked towards her. "Why weren't you there to support your father" she asked wiping her eyes.

"Mom, I can't...what he did to Tim was wrong. I can't be part of that" Luisa told her.

"How can you side with Tim after what he did to your sister" her mother all but demanded.

"As usual, you only see the victim in Jenika. Mom, he didn't hurt her, he's not that type of person. You always side with her" she retorted.

"How can you say that, the bruises on her wrists and face. That's abuse and he needs to pay for that abuse. But no, your father is being held in a cell for sticking up for his daughter while Tim plays out he's the victim. How can you not defend your family, Luisa" she replied.

"Defend my family? If I had a family worth defending I might but it surely isn't the three of you" Luisa replied before walking past her mother to the stairs.

"I'm so disappointed in you, Luisa" she stated.

"Not as much as I am in you" she replied before walking out the door.

Luisa had so much more she wanted to say to her mother, to set her straight, make her understand the lies and deceit Jenika had been doing all these years. But she couldn't, she wouldn't jeopardize Tim's case. He was more her family than any of the others and was determined to see justice for him.

Chance sat on the bench outside the judges chambers, Satch lay nearby, neither were allowed in with Tim and James while they met with Kirk. Satch raised his head up to look at Chance with a slight whine every now and then.

"I know buddy. I want to be in there as much as you do but we just can't right now" he assured the big ball of fur with a few pats on the head.

As Tim sat before the judge he answered his questions truthfully providing him with the history he needed that had led up to the encounter with Marion.

"So when you went to your in laws your objective was to speak with her in a civil manner to agree on the final arrangements for your requested divorce" Kirk stated.

"Yes, your honor" Tim replied.

"And did you speak to her" he asked.

"No sir. Wayne opened the door, yelled something and the next thing I knew I was on the ground getting pummeled in the face" Tim replied.

"Did anyone try to intervene to stop him" he then asked.

"I don't know, your honor. I remember hearing Gail yelling to stop but that's about it" he told him.

"Have you ever had an argument or situations with your in laws in the past that could be considered as build up to this incident" Kirk inquired to see if either party harbored I'll feelings towards one another.

"No your honor. I've always felt welcomed in their home, participated in family gatherings and vacations without any sign of a problem. They were extactic when Jenika was finally able to record in a real studio and release her own music. I guess I was wrong" Tim expressed lowering his head.

"I've read your medical reports, you've suffered significant injuries from this incident. I understand you are in need of a seeing eye dog, correct?" Kirk stated.

"Yes sir, hopefully only temporary till my vision is restored" Tim told him.

"Would you remove your sunglasses and explain to me what you can see at this point " Kirk advised.

Tim did as the judge requested, squinting from the sudden brightness in the room. Desperately trying to focus, he still couldn't see any more than an inch or so past his own face.

"Tell me what do you see" he asked.

"Shadows mostly your honor. The brightness is irritating after wearing my glasses" Tim answered.

The Judge held up his hand and three fingers, " can you see my hand" he asked him.

Tim closed his eyes then tried to focus but could not make out that it was even a hand he held up. "Sir, I can't...I'm sorry I can't tell if it's your arm, a ruler..its just something dark and cloudy" he stated with defeat in his voice.

Tim remained quiet the entire ride back to the hotel, running his fingers through Satch's fur as the dog lay his head upon his shoulder. So much had happened in the courtroom, the judges chambers, the mens room. He felt thoroughly drained, mentally and physically.

Chance would glance over frequently trying to read Tim's body language as he drove to the hotel hoping for a sign that he wasn't angry with what he'd said and done earlier. He began to feel guilty that he had said anything, knowing how overwhelmed Tim already was. His timing sucked, the mens room was the last place he wanted to kiss him for the first time.

Pulling up to the front entrance Tim and Satch got out, making their way inside while Chance parked the car. By the time he came into the lobby the two were no where in sight. Walking towards the elevators he noticed Satch inside just as the doors closed.

"Damn it" he said to himself knowing all to well Tim wanted to be left alone. Years of spending countless hours, days, even months in the cramped quarters of a tour bus he had learned what brought out the best and worse in each of them. And right now was not the best time to be with Tim. Reluctantly Chance went to the hotel restaurant instead of following him to their rooms.

"Time alone to think. We both need time alone" he thought to himself as he sat down at the bar.

Tim unharnessed Satch who immediately rolled over to scratch his back on the rug. He then made his way to the small refrigerator for a bottle of water then took his pain medication to try to relieve the pain in his eyes and head. Quickly changing into his lounge pants he laid down on the bed covering his eyes with his arm. It didn't take long for the medication to take effect, relaxing his tensed muscles he soon fell into a deep sleep.

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