Chapter 30

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Chance slowly walked back towards Tim's room when he suddenly was spun around and pinned against the wall.

"Where were you, damn it. It's your fault he's here, you and your so called plan to fix everything. Yeah, you fixed it alright, so were you screwing her all along. I mean why else would you come out here" Austin growled at him holding his arm against his throat.

Chance made no attempt to fight Austin, he was right, at least in his mind. None of this would have happened had he been more attentive to Jenika's actions all these years.

"Let go, now...I said now!" Adam demanded, trying not to draw anymore attention from the staff and visitors as he pulled at Austin.

"Fine, but I'm not done saying my peace" Austin replied moving back from Chance.

Rob looked at Chance, his face filled with emotion but not anger, he was truly hurting for his friend. Just as he stepped towards him he caught the sight of someone in the corner of his eye. A police officer was walking towards them.

"Adam Chance Ray?" he asked, now in front of the two.

Rob looked at the officer then at Chance. "Well this can't be good " he thought while Chance acknowledged the officer.

"Mr. Ray, you need to come with me" he told him.

Adam quickly stepped next to Chance, "Officer, may I ask why you need him at the station?"

"And you are?" he asked while taking out a note pad.

Explaining who he and the others were, the officer scribbled their names on the pad. "I'm not at liberty to discuss this with you Mr. Rupp" he replied.

"Don't worry about me, y'all stay with Tim. I'll be fine" Chance assured them.

"Don't say anything, I'll contact our attorneys " Adam advised watching them walk down the hall.

"Y'all see, ya get it now. This shit's deep" Austin stated.

"Zip it" Rob and Adam told him in unison.

Dena, Emily and Bobby were walking up the hospital steps as Chance and the officer were exiting. Dena ran to Chance, "What's going on, where are you going" she asked.

"Ms. Dena, it's fine, they just want a statement, don't worry about me, take care of Tim" Chance advised.

Bobby walked to the officer to see if he could find out more. He identified himself as a fellow police officer but was provided nothing more than what Chance said. "I'll follow you there" he told Chance but he asked him to stay with Dena and Emily. Describing Tim's injuries he felt they shouldn't see him alone. Bobby reluctantly agreed but asked him to call if he needed anything.

"Where's my daughter" Marion demanded when Inv. Williams walked into the room.

Ignoring Marion's barking request, Williams sat down across the table, opening the file in front of him. "Do you understand why you are here today Mr. Marion?"

"Apparently it's against the law to defend my family" he responded with sarcasm.

"Defending is one thing, Mr. Marion. Assaulting an individual is another" he replied.

"He deserved everything he got, he had it coming, he has no one to blame but himself" Marion stated.

"I have a few questions to ask" Williams stated.

Marion sat definently across from him, his hands also secured by handcuffs to the table in front of him.

"Did you know if your daughter and Mr. Foust were having marital problems " Williams began.

"No, but it doesn't surprise me" he replied.

"Why do you say that" Williams asked.

"He's always had to come home with her, never allowed her to visit on her own. Time away from each other is good for a couple, but no he's always asking where she's going, who she with, that sort of thing" Marion replied.

"Controlling?" asked Williams.

"Yes, exactly. Especially with her career. He wouldn't allow her to do anything until he set everything up. It had to be his way or no way" he answered.

"I see. And did you know she was coming home" Williams continued.

"No, not at all. But she explained she left in a hurry and didn't want to deal with fans and such. She was too upset" he answered.

"Too upset?" the investigator asked.

"Yes, she was upset over what he'd done to her. Did she show you the bruises. He held her wrists tightly when he smacked her across the face after finding him with some slut after a performance " he answered, anger showing in his eyes.

"Do you know if she reported this before coming home" Williams asked.

"As I said before, she left in a hurry, afraid of what he would do if she stayed" Marion answered.

"Did you report this to the authorities upon seeing the injuries" he continued.

"No, I contacted my attorney first after she was served with the papers" he answered.

"Papers? What papers?" Williams asked.

"The order of protection and the divorce papers. The bastard served my daughter with an order of protection when it should have been the other way around" Marion retorted. "How many more damn questions you going to ask. I want to see my daughter" he added.

"Just a few more and you'll be taken down the hall" Williams replied. "Do you remember what time Jenika arrived at your home" he continued.

"About 10 am" he answered.

"Was she alone, like in a taxi " he continued.

"No, my other daughter Luisa was with her. I assumed she knew she was coming and that it was a surprise" he stated.

"So you didn't think it was strange that Jenika was without Mr. Foust, left Tennessee approximately 3 pm the day before and didn't arrive at your home until 10 am the next day" Williams questioned.

"No, why should I. Like I told you, I had no idea that she was coming" Marion replied.

"Mr. Marion there is more to this story than you know" Williams stated, closing the folder and standing next to the table.

Jenika's father looked at him with furrowed brows as if the time frames and the questions Williams had just asked didn't make sense. Normally a direct flight wouldn't take 18 hours even with a lay over somewhere. Williams could see the wheels were turning in Marion's mind, hoping this would lead to more concrete evidence that Jenika made false statements to him and Swartz. As he walked to the door he turned towards Marion, "your daughter has requested her attorney.  I suggest that you do the same" he stated before slamming the door behind him.

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