Chapter 34

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Luisa cautiously opened the door finding Dena standing near her son, her hand upon his shoulder. Slowly walking in she called out quietly, "Ms.Dena?"

Dena turned, wiping a tear from her cheek. Holding her hand out she motioned to her to come closer. "Luisa" she greeted.

Luisa approached her slowly unsure of what she may be feeling towards her. After all, it was her family that caused this mess, a family she never truly felt a part of and definitely didn't hold the same feelings towards Tim as they did.

"Ma'am..I'm so" she began when Dena pulled her into a hug.

"Luisa, I know you're not a part of any of this" Dena whispered hugging her tight.

Luisa let out a sigh of relief, she relaxed for a moment in her arms. "How is he" she asked.

Dena stepped back a little, "He's sedated but can hear us, he's spoken a few times" she answered moving so Luisa could step closer. As she took in the sight before her, her emotions finally got the best of her as she began to cry heavily. She lay her head upon his chest, begging for forgiveness "Tim, I'm so sorry. I tried to stop him, I tried to pull him off you. I tried to stop...."

Tim raised his hand to her back, gently rubbing he whispered "Shhhh, it's not your fault, kiddo. It's not your fault".

"I'll fix this, they will pay. I promise neither will ever hurt you again" she told him. As she started to stand up Tim put both arms around her, holding her close for a minute more. "Chance needs your help, she's dangerous, watch your back, be careful" he whispered.

"I will, don't worry" she assured him, before she stood to face Dena.

"You don't have to do this, you know. She will pay for her sins against my son and Chance" Dena stated with a worried tone.

"With my help, sooner than later" she stated before nodding goodbye and leaving the room.

"Lord, watch over that child" Dena stated as the door closed.


Jenika remained in the interrogation room becoming more irritated by the moment. "Where the hell is my lawyer" she yelled out in the empty room.

Both Williams and Swartz stood outside the two way mirror reviewing the information taken from the cell phone forensics obtained.

"Well this certainly puts a whole new twist to this " Williams remarked.

"Well, based on what we've been told, someone is definitely lieing or covering up the truth. But which one" Swsrtz replied.

"Yeah, now comes the fun part " Williams added as Jenika's attorney approached.

"You better have not spoken to her before I arrived, she has a right to council" Fountain barked .

Williams held the folder and opened the door allowing him to enter first. Sitting down along side her he quickly demanded she be released from the handcuffs.

"Can't do that. She's under arrest on a federal warrant" Williams advised.

"A federal warrant, for what? She's the victim of spousal abuse. What charges have you trumped up against my client, damn it" Fountain demanded.

Williams explained the incident on the plane the night she flew in and the encounter she had with the air marshal resulting in his injuries. "She failed to appear for her court appearance, hence the warrant. And you know as well as I she can not be released due to this federal charge"

"What the hell is he saying? You better get me out of here and now, damn it. My father is paying you a substantial amount of money to protect me" she demanded.

"Jenika, it's in your best interest to not say anything at all from here out. Let me handle this" Fountain advised.

"Great, well you're doing fucking awesome so far" she retorted.

Luisa jumped out of the taxi and ran up the steps of the police station. Stopping at the front door she took a moment to try to gain her composure and her balance while she fought off another episode of dizziness. Once inside she stepped to the front desk, "Excuse me, I'm looking for Adam Ray, could you tell me where I could find him?" she asked politely.

The young officer looked up, giving her a flirtatious smile, "I'm not sure who you're asking for" he replied, now giving her a bit of a questionable look, as if he knew her.

"Oh, you may know him as Chance Ray, he's a member of Home Free" she stated with a slight smile.

"Look Miss, no fans or media personnel are allowed in here. You will have to wait outside like all the rest" he said, now standing behind the desk.

Trying hard not to lose her cool she merely stated he misunderstood why she was there. "I'm a friend of his, I have to see him" she continued.

"Wait a minute, now I know who you are. I should have known, you look just like her. You're that bat shit crazy Jenika's sister" he replied.

Luisa couldn't help but nod in agreement with his description of her sister, she was crazy and capable of more than anyone knew. "You have to let me see Chance or someone who is handling this case. It's urgent" she pleaded.

"Great now the whole family is here" he commented.

"What's that supposed to mean" she asked, still trying not to get upset.

"You can have a seat over there, with your mother. If and when someone wants to speak to you, they will come and get you" he told her, turning to walk away.

"You don't understand, I have information they need. You have to let me see someone " she called after him.

"Like I said, have a seat with your mother" he yelled back turning a corner down the hall.

The last thing Luisa wanted to do was sit and wait, especially with her mother. Loathing the fact they even shared the same space, she simply ignored her presence.

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