Chapter 59

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James received a call stating the divorce proceedings had been changed to the following Monday. He quickly called Tim's phone to let him know.

Chance and Tim had gone back to the hotel to change before heading out for the evening. Tim was in the shower when his phone rang. Chance answered for him when he saw it was Bates calling. "Hey Jim, what's up".

"Hey, Tim nearby? I need to talk to him" he asked.

Sighing deeply, hoping this call wasn't more bad news, he advised he was in the shower. "Can he call you back or do you want me to relay through the door".

"Just let him know that the divorce proceedings have been scheduled for next Monday so that gives him a few days off to relax. I know these past few days have been exhausting for him. If he needs anything, have him call me. Oh it will be at 10 am at Stein's office"

"Got it. And you're right, he really needs some time off" Chance replied.

"Take care of him" James stated.

"I will" Chance replied as Tim emerged from the bathroom, wearing only a towel and drying his hair.

"You will what?" Tim asked taking the towel off his head.

His breath hitched at the sight before him. Shirtless, towel around his waist, damp skin, wet hair draping along his shoulders. "God, you're killing me here"  he thought to himself as he stared.

"Stop it" Tim told him.

"What, I'm not doing anything" Chance tried not to laugh.

"Yes you are, you're staring at me, I can feel it" Tim replied putting the towel back over his head.

"Not like I haven't done that before" Chance stated quietly.

"I heard that" Tim told him. "Who was on the phone".

"James, he called to tell you the divorce proceedings are scheduled for 10 am next Monday at Stein's office" he told him, taking the towel off his head.

"" was all he could say before Chance kissed him gently. Tim turned away after.

"I'm sorry, I.." he began when Tim touched his face.

"I'm not. I just..I just need a little time. This is all new to me and..Please don't be angry" he replied shly.

Chance leaned his forehead against Tim's. "I could never be angry with you. I've waited this long, I would wait forever for you" he told him gently stroking his face.

"God your sappy" Tim remarked turning to get dressed.

"So what would you like to do with your time off " Chance asked.

"Nothing" he replied zipping up his jeans.

"You sure? You must have something you'd like to do" he continued.

"Seriously, nothing. This whole week has been exhausting. I just want to lay low and recoup. I have no idea what I'm going to walk into on Monday and to be honest, I don't want to think about the lieing bitch before then" he replied.

"Ok, got it. Well we do need to eat, what sounds good" Chance asked.

"A big fat juicy steak" Tim stated not knowing Satch perked up at the word steak.

Luisa could not believe the sight before her as both of her parents got out of the car. " way"  she thought as she watched them approach the front door.

"Luisa..come down here. I know your home " her mother called from the foyer.

" it comes. The lectures, the questions...ugh" she mumbled aloud as she made her way down the stairway.

"Yes mother, you beckoned?" she greeted.

"There's no need for your sarcasm young lady. Your father and I want to speak to you" Gail stated as she took her by the hand to the sofa.

Luisa couldn't look at either of them, she couldn't understand how he could possibly be sitting there instead of in jail for what he did to Tim.

"Look at me" Wayne told her.

Slowly raising her head she looked him straight in the eyes. "Yes sir" she answered.

Taking a deep breath he began, "Tell me what you know about your sister and Tim."

Surely looking shocked at the question she replied "Excuse me?"

"I asked you to tell me what you know" he asked again.

Jenika was flirting with the young guard trying to get him to let her out to make a phone call.

"Please, I just need to call my family to see if everyone is alright. My mother was quite upset and she has a heart condition" she pleaded, fake tears in her eyes. "I...I'll make it worth your while if you could just help me this one time" she told him as she reached through the bars to stroke his face.

A slight smile came across his face, "Don't cry, miss. I'll be back in a bit with the keys. I just need to finish checking the other inmates" he assured her.

Smiling back she nodded in response to his reply. Soon the guard returned with the keys, unlocked her cell and escorted her down the hall to a room that was not monitored by security cameras.

"I can only allow you five minutes" he told her as she pat his arm before closing the door. She hurried to the phone, making her call only to hear an voice mail on the other end.

Moments later a knock was heard on the door, "Miss you must return to your cell now, final check is in ten minutes" he told her.

Jenika quickly exited the room and walked in front of the young guard swaying her ass in front of him. He watched in aw trying to control the response growing beneath his uniform all the time thinking how she told him she would make it worth his while for helping her out. Returning to her cell he began to follow her in when she put her hands on his chest "What are you doing" she asked coyly. He moved closer, taking her hand he placed it on his crotch " You said you'd make it worth my while" he smiled.

Sliding her hand slowly she moved down until she was grabbing his balls through his pants. She dug her nails in deep, twisting them as she spoke, "A piece of advice young man....Don't ever fuck with me, literally or figuratively" she growled in his ear before finally letting go and pushing him out the cell door. She then closed the cell herself as he doubled over in pain.

"Help, someone help. There's something wrong with the guard. Help anyone, Help" she yelled.

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