Chapter 22

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Tim sat in the lounge, his head in his hands, frightened for everyone.  Regardless of what she had done to him, the band, to Chance, he couldn't let anything happen to her.

Adam watched his friend from the doorway. He'd convinced Austin and Rob to give Tim some time alone. Finding out that the man who caused so much pain to his first true love was being released from a life sentence in prison was devastating to say the least. Knowing he would be coming for his family was more than enough to drive a man insane.

Adam walked quietly towards him, sitting next to him slowly. "We'll take care of everything Tim, don't worry" he said. Tim raised his head, his eyes swollen and red from crying. He shook his head, "You don't know what he's capable of Adam. Why doesn't he just come after me, I'm the one he should want"

"Like I said, don't worry. We've had him served to stay away from everyone. Bobby has your mom and Emily protected, hopefully the order against Jenika will keep her a safe distance from him".

"I need to talk to her, to warn her. I'm going to Wisconsin tonight" Tim advised.

"You really think that's a good idea? She threatened to have you arrested" Adam stated.

"I'll take my chances. I need to let her, let Chance know they both could be in danger" he replied.

"Did you release the statement about the separation " Adam asked.

"I was about to when Bobby called. If I let everyone know we're apart does that make it safer or make her more of a target. I just don't know what to do. Either way she's going to blame me" Tim replied leaning back.

"We have a few days off after tonight's gig, right" Tim asked.

"We can reschedule, your head's not in to this tonight" Adam stated picking up the phone.

"No..don't..I can't let everyone else down too, plus Jeff is here to take Chance's place. Both of us not on that stage will cause alot of gossip. I'll get through it then fly out right after. Please, Adam" he asked.

"Alright, but it's against my better judgement. Let's head over for sound check then, I'll get Austin and Rob" Adam replied.

"Thank you, I appreciate it " Tim replied heading to his bunk to pack for after the show.

Harrison stood at the gate "Finally" he thought as it slowly opened. Nearly twenty years locked behind those walls he looked around, no one there to greet him. His wife had passed some time ago and his daughter, his Caroline, too was gone. Standing at the entrance with his small bag of belongings in one hand and a tattered bible in the other he waited for his ride to take him home, wherever that was to be. 

Inv. Gordon watched from the wardens office where moments before he had served Jennings with a stay a way order, an order of protection for Tim and his family. "Don't worry Steve, he's older, frail and like many others behind these bars he's turned to the Lord for guidance and forgiveness " Warden James assured him.

"Not this one, he's an evil soul. I can feel it, I've seen it. No amount of reciting from the good book is going to convince me otherwise " he replied as the car pulled up out front.

The passenger car door swung open. Gordon was unable to see who was in the driver's seat but did noticed the license plate, out of state, most likely a rental. He watched as Harrison slid in then turned, looking directly up at the window, grinning as he flipped his middle finger mouthing the words "FUCK YOU" before the car squealed away.

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