Chapter 27

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Chance stood in the shower, the hot water felt good against his neck and head, relieving some of his headache. Again he went over every detail from the night before, "I know there is no way I had sex with her, absolutely no friggin way" he told himself again. Finally feeling the water cooling down he stepped out to get ready to return to the Marion's to continue his plan, the one he didn't feel too confident about anymore. Wrapping one towel around his waist he grabbed another to dry his hair then walked out into the bedroom where he found his phone practically falling off the nightstand where it vibrated with an incoming call.

"Hello" he answered, not looking at the phone while running the towel in his hair.

"Where the hell have you been and what the hell happened to your so called plan to take care of Jenika" Adam yelled into the phone.

"Why are you yelling at me and what are you talking about" he demanded.

"Turn on the damn TV, it's all over the fucking news" Adam barked at him.

Chance took the phone to the living area, turning on the TV "Breaking News: Home Free singer Tim Foust seriously injured in altercation with wife Jenika Mae Marion's father".

"What the fuck...what the fuck" he yelled at the announcement. "I swear Adam, I had no idea, I didn't know he was here already. I would never have let him confront them without me"

"Just where the hell were you then..huh...he's in serious condition Chance." Adam demanded.

"I was here, in my room. Everything was fine when I left their house last night. I seriously thought I'd convinced her father to let it go and just take the offer" he replied.

"Well apparently you thought wrong" Adam yelled again "Get your ass over there now. We're in Milwaukee, we'll be there as soon as we can".

Chance stared at the phone then the TV, " could I let this happen" he said as he watched the live report. Throwing his phone on the bed he grabbed his clothes, dressed as fast as he could then head out to the Marion home.

Jenika noticed a large gathering of people and police cars as she turned onto her street. She was soon stopped by an officer directing traffic around the scene.

"Ma'am you'll have to turn around, no one is allowed in here" he advised her.

"Officer, I just live a few blocks down surely you could let me in" she told him flashing a smile as she took off her sunglasses.

"Aren't you Jenika Marion" he asked.

Smiling again because she'd been recognized she offered her autograph to him. "Ma'am just sit tight a minute" he told her before walking away to talk on his radio.

"Hmmph" she muttered while tapping her nails on the steering wheel.

The officer walked back with another officer, "ma'am if you'll come with us, we'll take you to your home" they advised opening her car door.

"Well aren't you two the gentlemen, I don't really need a police escort though, but thank you" she said stepping out of the car.

Walking her to their patrol car she looked at them oddly when the one opened the back door" for your safety, ma'am" he stated. Jenika shrugged and sat down in the back seat. The two then drove her to her parents house.

As she saw the ambulances and police cars she panicked, "oh my God, what's happened, where are my parents " she cried. The officers said nothing and pulled up into the driveway. There stood her father handcuffed guarded by an officer, her mother sitting on the stoop crying into her hands, her sister being placed in an ambulance and some man she didn't recognize laying on the ground.

"Let me out, damn it....Let me out " she demanded, crying.

The officers spoke to the two men in suits before walking back and letting her out of the car. She immediately began to run to her father when the one stepped in front of her. "Miss, are you Jenika Marion" he asked.

"Yes, yes I am now get out of my way and let me go to my father" she demanded as he continued to step in front of her each time she moved.

"Miss, you're under arrest" he told her.

"For what, are you out of your damn mind? Move, now!" she screamed.

"Miss Marion, we have a warrant for your arrest" he told her taking his handcuffs off his belt to cuff her.

"I don't give a fuck what you have, J said move, let me get to my father" she screamed before kicking the officer in the leg.

Several officers came over to assist, taking her down face first on the driveway, finally securing her with the handcuffs.

"Leave my daughter alone you fucking bastards. Leave her alone" her father demanded.

"Noooo" yelled her mother as she tried to make her way to her.

Chance parked his car behind Luisa's and walked to the officer standing on the corner. He identified himself though the officer refused to let him through.

"Chance" someone yelled from the crowd, "it's Tim, he's hurt bad, you have to help him"

Chance begged with the officer to let him through, but was still denied. He looked around to find the quickest way and took off running through the crowd, passing the news media along the way.

.....Well, this story just keeps getting more interesting by the moment, viewers. Adam Chance has just arrived on scene and as you can see is running towards the home....

Chance looked around at the scene before him, ambulances and officers everywhere. As he made his way towards the house, he looked for Tim. There, just a few feet away, he lay on the ground. He ran to him where a police officer stopped him before he could reach him"sir, you have to step back."

Chance looked at his friend, his face swollen and bloodied. If it hadn't been for his jacket and boots, he would have never known it was Tim.

" he alive" he managed to finally ask.

"Just barely" answered the medic as two others brought the stretcher over quickly placing him upon it and moving him to the waiting ambulance. Chance stared as they held the IVs while pushing the stretcher in. "I have to go, I have to be with him" he stated running to the ambulance. He yanked open the side door and jumped inside before anyone could stop him. He sat down on the bench and watched as the medics continued to work.

"Let me up, damn it" Jenika continued to yell as the female officer held her face down on the ground. The other suited officer squat down in front of her. "Miss Marion, it's in your best interest to just be quiet and cooperate" he advised.

"Fuck you, prick" she screamed.

Her mother stood by, crying hysterically, not knowing what to do. One daughter taken away in an ambulance, the other pinned down by officers being read her miranda rights, her husband still handcuffed and yelling while a neighborhood crowd watched everything unfold. It was too much for her to take as she collapsed to the ground.

"Look at what you've done" Marion barked at the officers "help my wife damn it, help my wife".

EMT's rushed to her side, waved an ammonia inhalant under her nose to revive her from fainting. They checked her over finding no injuries they transported her anyways as a precaution.

....As you can see the situation here intensified once Jenika Mae Marion arrived on scene. She and her father have both been arrested and are being transported to the police station. Her husband, Tim Foust, member of the acapella group Home Free, has been transported to a local hospital with serious injuries. Miss Marion's sister Luisa has also been transported for evaluation for unspecified injuries sustained during this incident in addition to Mrs. Marion for an unknown medical condition. Stay tuned as we continue to report updates as they unfold...

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