Chapter 46

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After dinner Jake and Heather began to clean up while Chance built a fire. His mom and Marcus each took their glasses of wine and sat near the pit waiting for the others to join them. Cali had fallen asleep on a nearby lounge with Meeshka laying protectively by her side.

"So Chance, tell us all that's been happening. I'm hoping the news reports have just exaggerated everything we've seen" his mom asked.

"Here we go" Heather whispered handing a beer to her brother.

"Unfortunately mom, most is true" he stated slouching into the chair taking a large swallow of his beer.

"Dena must be beside herself" she commented before sipping her wine.

"It hasn't been easy....for anyone" he replied.

"We saw the report from Jenika's parents home. I still don't understand why he beat Tim so badly. Was he the reason for their separating, did he have someone else?" his mother asked, obviously having had more to drink than she realized because rarely if ever had she delved into someone's personal life, her own family being the exception.

"It's complicated momma. I really can't explain it all, especially with the trials coming up soon" he told her hoping she would let it go.

Heather looked at her brother, she felt bad for him, she knew how he felt about Tim. She'd explained to Tim how Jenika had interfered in his life for years and now still because of her he was suffering only this time he knew why.

"Well, he didn't deserve that regardless whatever he did" she commented.

"No momma, he didn't" he sadly stated as thoughts of Tim flood his mind.

"Nor does Jenika. She's always been such a sweet girl. You two have been friends for ever" she continued.

Heather was getting irritated by her mother's comments. Her brother was hurting in more ways than one and she was not going to tolerate it anymore. She always said she was going to take care of him, one way or another, now was the time to speak up.

"Momma, you need to stop" Heather told her.

"Sis, don't " Chance cautioned.

"Adam, it's time she knew the truth, all of it" she retorted.

He immediately knew by the use of his given name and the sound of her voice there would be no stopping her. He looked to Jake for help, but he too knew enough to stay out of it, for his own good.

After what seemed like forever Heather's backlash to her mother ceased. Maggie sat there, silent over what had just been revealed. She looked at Chance, "All of this is true" she asked.

"Yes, Momma" he replied hanging his head.

"Look at me" she told him.

He slowly raised his head, "here it comes" he thought as he looked her in the eye. "Yes, ma'am".

"Then why are you here, you need to be there. He needs you now more than ever" she told him.

"You're not upset?" he asked confused by her reaction.

Maggie walked over and knelt in front of her son. "I've known for a very long time who you really were. I admit, I thought when you and Mina became engaged that you'd found your true self and felt relieved that I wouldn't have to worry how the world perceived you and that you'd be protected from the harsh cruelty of others. But when you brought him home with you to tell us about the tumor I knew even more who you truly were. I could see it in your eyes, your smile. He makes you happy" she replied squeezing his hands.

"I don't think he feels the same, Momma" he sadly replied.

"Ask him, tell him how you feel. It can't hurt. You two have a special bond, it's evident. I don't know of many that would go to the lengths he's gone through for you. There's more than a sense of brotherhood between you two. Go to him Adam, you both need each other. Go before it's too late" she told him wiping a tear that escaped down his cheek.

"Yes ma'am, I will" he replied his voice shaking with emotion. Looking to Heather he mouthed "Thanks".

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