Chapter 3

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Chance was awakened by several text alerts chimming his phone. Thinking something must be wrong he quickly grabbed for his phone resulting in falling out of bed.

"Son of a bitch" he muttered adjusting his eyes to the screen. " fucking way" he growled sitting up against the bed. "Is she out of her damn mind"

Text upon text from Jenika with accusations that Tim had been abusive to her and she had left him before he could harm her anymore. She even went as far as to provide pictures of marks on her wrists and an abrasion to her face. "All because I gave you a quick friendly kiss" she claimed in her latest text. "Please, Chance.. we've always been so close. I need your help, he's a mad man. This isn't the first time" she added.

Chance sat there, unsure if he should just delete them all, but he surely had no intention of acknowledging her. He knew Tim, he didn't have one abusive bone in his body. He knew now this was just another ploy to get closer to him. But, what was her intention. She was up to something, he had to tell someone. He decided to contact Adam.

Tim sat on the porch sipping the sweet tea Dena had made for him. "How the hell did I fail yet again" he thought to himself as Bobby walked towards him.

"Hey Bud, what's going on" he asked approaching the steps.

"I'm sure Emily has already told you" he replied.

"Come, let's take a walk" Bobby coaxed. Tim set his tea aside and head down the road with his long time friend.

Listening intently, Tim explained everything to Bobby including Chance's confession. "First off my friend, none of this is your fault. And from what you've told me as well as what I've seen about Chance, it's not his fault either. What are you going to do now"

"Divorce...I have no intention of trying to reconcile " Tim answered.

"Are you positive? Not even counseling?" Bobby asked.

"Counseling? I'm not the one with the fucking problem.  Who's side are you on" Tim barked.

"Hold on bud, just asking. If you're adament about divorce there are some things you need to do, from a legal stand point" Bobby stated.

"Well, I packed her bags and sent her to Wisconsin for starters" Tim stated.

"There's more, so much more to be done. Why don't you come into the office in the morning. I'll get you started with an attorney and papers for filing" Bobby replied.

"I've talked a bit with Adam about this, not sure if he is working with our company attorney or what" Tim told him.

"We should do a conference call then to coordinate before you head back "he replied.

"Do I really need both, I mean everything she would want is in Tennessee, including Chance" he replied a bit sassy.

"What's his intentions, does he want her? Just because he's attracted to you, you said it yourself he's bisexual" Bobby retorted.

"I have no idea what his intentions are and I highly doubt he wants her. There have been many chances for the psycho bitch to hook up with him and he's shown no interest whatsoever" Tim stated with a bit of anger.

"Okay, okay...I'm trying to help, remember " Bobby replied.

Tim covered his face with his hands, shaking his head.."FUCK" he screamed.

"Tim, try to calm down. We'll figure this all out. I'm sure Adam must have a plan to go public with the news of your split" Bobby tried to reassure him.

Tim quickly turned towards him "You, you can't tell anyone about
what I've told you about Chance. Promise me, Bobby. You can't even tell Emily".

"But she said you told her and your mom he was bisexual" Bobby replied confused.

"They know he's bisexual, they don't know he's attracted to me. Can you understand how that could affect our careers on top of the divorce proceedings. It would end everything" Tim explained.

"I understand, not a word to anyone" Bobby replied.

"Thank you" Tim said as they began walking back to the house.

"Damn it, this is only the beginning of his problems. There's no way I can tell him what else he needs to know now"  Bobby thought while they walked back through the field in silence.

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