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They say that the first five seconds when you wake up you don't know who you are, your mind is blank, there are no worries, no memories... but in my case... I always know who I am 

Wake up at 5:40 am

Brush teeth and change to yoga pants

Do at least 30 minutes at the treadmill 

Shower in less than 12 minutes and change 

I started applying some light makeup when the tablet my dad gave me started beeping and flashing blue lights, I touched it and a blue hologram appears with an in fraganti photo I took of my dad eating Doritos.


"No Miss Stark, it's me, Friday" her calm voice emerges

"Oh! good morning Friday... why you have that photo of my dad?"

"Good morning Tannie, your father asked me to remind you of today"

"Uh, today? What's today?"

"He wants to watch a movie with you while eating dinner"

"Great! yes, thanks for the reminder... wait... what movie?", I say while putting my earrings and some bracelets 

"He told me to tell you that it's one of the best movies in the history of cinema"

"I hope he's not talking about The Hangover or The Hangover 2" I take my small purse ready to leave and have some breakfast

"If it helps he never told me the name of the movie Miss Stark"

I stop in front of the tablet "Friday, don't be so formal with me please I told you to call me T, Jarvis used to call me like that too"

"I'm sorry, formality is integrated into my system, I'll change it"

"Thanks, oh and mom is still asleep?"

"Let me check" I wait some seconds "...Yes, I detect a thermal figure in the bed"

"Thank you, Friday" I exit my room and stroll to the kitchen 

I prepare some scrambled eggs with toast, quickly I take the small bowl of overnight oatmeal and chop some fruit. Decent amount of food though, not those crazy filled plates. I turn to the metal stools and slump don to start eating. Weird... the complex seems incredibly quiet without the cavemen in it and with that, I'm referring to Sam, Clint, Thor, and my dad... Steve is the quiet one. One of the doors in the hallway from upstairs swooshes open and my mom's slippers shuggle against the floor until she greets me down with a sleepy face and definitely messed hair. 

"Mom, hey!" I whisper "...I prepared coffee for you"

She gratefully smiles and grabs the steaming mug and walks close to me "Thank you, baby" she yawns and gives me a kiss on my temple  "You even prepare breakfast?"

I just smile in response and offer her an empty plate for her to start eating.

"So... what are you doing today? Last day of freedom" she grabs the newspaper, flickering her eyes and starting to read the headlights

"Not much actually, in an hour I need to go to Midtown to bring in some papers for my file and I need to speak to Morita as well"

"Why? is everything okay?" her drowsy voice stops and she lifts her eyes to me with a concerned expression

"Uhu, it's because I want to join a club and I need more info about it. I don't want to miss that chance this year. I do want to stay in a club"

"Really? What about dance? Drama?" she smiles showing her subtle dimples

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ⟿ Peter Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now