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Thank you @Alianovna_22 for the feedback on my story! I'm glad you think the "princess and the Devil" was an overall amazing book!

Drew's POV

Thadunck thadunck thadunck thadunck. My door opened before I could throw the ball again. "You're really annoying you know that?"

"Get out," I Said as I chucked the ball at Robbie's head.

He ducked out of the way. "Geez, I just wanted to borrow a tie." I rolled my eyes laying back down. He walked into my closet and came out with a black tie. He started putting it on. "What is your problem?"


"Bullshit." He said. I didn't answer. He grabbed the ball and threw it at my head. I glared at him. "Quit being a baby and admit you miss her."

"I don't."

"I'm calling bullshit." He said sitting on my bed. I sat up helping him tie his tie. "You're scared to admit you love her."

"No, I'm not."

"So you admit you love her?" I glared at him. He held his hands up. "Okay fine, don't tell me." He stood up and walked to the door. "But you should tell her."

I reached into my bedside table drawer. I pulled out the small picture frame. Inside was the picture of Regina and me on top of the rollercoaster, of me kissing her. I yelled as I threw it against the wall. The glass broke. "Shit."

I left my room and went to the office. Dad was working on his computer. He looked up at me. "Need something?"

"Uh yeah," I Said moving to sit in the chair in front of the desk. "Do you have a deal that I can get in on?"

He shook his head. "Not today."

"C'mon dad."

He chuckled. "Sorry kid. Aren't you going to prom anyway?" I shook my head. "Well, I don't have anything for you."

I groaned as I stood up. I walked downstairs grabbing the ice cream container. I ate a piece straight from the carton. The doorbell rang but I ignored it. "Someone get the door." Yelled Mamá from upstairs.

I sighed putting my ice cream away. I walked over to the door and opened it. Sydney smiled at me. "Hey tía, Mamá is upstairs."

"Actually figlioccio I came to see you." I opened my mouth to answer but she stopped me. She held out her hand for me. I grabbed her hand letting her pull me inside. She pulled me down to sit on the couch in the living room. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," I Said. I started standing up. "Look I'm gonna get Mamá, I'm sure you two wanna hang out."

She squeezed my hand. She pulled me to sit back down. "You know I love Amelia but right now I'm here for you."

"There isn't anything to talk about."

She smiled. "I had Regina when you and Antonio were two years old. Antonio was so excited to be a big brother and you- you were just as excited to have a new friend to play with." I gave her an annoyed look. She glared back at me. I sighed letting her continue. "Your first words to her were mía."


"You said mía. Ella es mía." I closed my eyes. She chuckled and touched my cheek. I opened my eyes back up. "You claimed her when she was born."

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't claim her."

She purses her lips. "You claimed her."

I threw my hands up. "Okay, we dated but it didn't work, we don't work."

"You what?" I turned around to Mamá walking in. "You two dated? When?"

"We started dating the day you and Madi took us to the park and kept it a secret cause of Antonio, dad, and Jason."

Sydney smirked. She reached out her hand towards Amelia. Mamá groaned slapping a hundred dollar bill on her hand. "Okay one I don't understand how you always win and two how could you keep this from us."

I shrugged. "We thought it would be better."

"Don't lecture him Amelia." Warmed Sydney. "You and Jackson did the same thing and I never gave you crap about it."

"Yes you did."

She pursed her lips before nodding. "Okay I did but you shouldn't give him any."

"Please, can we stop talking about this?" I pleaded. "It's over I ended it."

"But you still love her." Whispered Sydney. "How long have you loved her?" She asked. I shook my head. "Andrew Grey, how long?"

"I said it the first time when I was in Mexico but she was asleep," I Said. She smiled at me. "But I felt it before then."

"Then why the hell did you end it?"

"Do you know why we started hanging out so much?" I asked. She shook her head. "We had an English assignment. We analyzed and wrote about Romeo and Juliet."

She chuckled. "And now you think you guys are Romeo and Juliet." She grabbed my hands again kissing my knuckles. "In the time you two have been dating I've seen Regina happier than she's ever been."

"And I've never seen you happier Niño so I don't know why you would want to throw that away."

" I don't," I whispered. "I wanna spend the rest of my life with her. I wanna wake up every morning with her, I wanna go travel the world with her, I want her to mother my children, I want a whole life with her." Mamá sat down beside Sydney. They both smiled at me. "But I can't if she won't even tell anyone about us, she doesn't want people to know about us."

"She cried when she realized you weren't in the hospital waiting for her to wake up." I put my head in my hands. Sydney ran her hand through my hair. "She wants you and I don't want you to throw that away cause you're scared."

"What should I do?"

Mamá and Sydney both looked at each other before turning back to me. "Go to her." They both Said.


"You love her so go to her." Said Sydney. I nodded standing up. "She's going to prom with Antonio and Alessia."

"Yeah okay umm I'm gonna go and get my girl back." They both smiled at me. "Thanks, tía."

"Red." She said. I turned back around. "It's a red dress."

Don't Mess with the Queen✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang