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Thank you to @ShadowhunterQueen15 for the feedback on "The Princess and the Devil"! I'm super glad you liked Sydney and Jason's character development in "The Princess and the Devil".

Drew and I made our way to the arcade games where Alessia was sitting on Antonio's lap. He was rubbing her stomach as her head was leaning on his shoulder with her eyes closed. I looked at Drew and he nodded letting my hand go. I ran over to Alessia and squatted down in front of her. I put my hand on top of hers. "Alessia are you okay?"

She opened her eyes and gave me a soft smile. "sto bene (i'm okay)." she whispered.

I looked up at Antonio and gave him a questioning look. He sighed and kissed the side of her head. "We went on one of the spinny rides and when we got off some cagna puked right in front of her. Like some almost got on her."

I gave her a sympathetic look. "Oh, dolcezza."

She cringed before leaning her head back on his shoulder. "You know how she is with puke and how it makes her wanna puke," he said.

I patted down her hair with my hand. "I'm sorry Lessia."

A shadow fell over us making me turn around to look up at Drew. he handed her a bottle of water making her smile. "Grazie," she whispered opening it up and taking a few sips.

He nodded. "Prego. stai bene? (you're welcome. Are you okay?)"

Antonio looked at him shocked at his use of Italian while Alessia just nodded her head. I stood up and slid my hand into Drew's. "Alessia do you wanna go home? I can call mamma to get her to take us home," said Antonio holding her tight against him.

She shook her head and grabbed his hand from her stomach linking their fingers together. "It's alright Tonio, I wanna do some games and more rides before we go."

He nodded and lifted her off his lap. He released her hand to wrap an arm around her shoulders. "Where do you want to go first Sia?" asked Antonio.

She shrugged. "Gina, what do you wanna do?"

"Skee ball."

She smiled wide. "This is why you're the smart one."

I rolled my eyes and flipped my hair back mockingly. "I know," I said I started walking with Drew being pulled along with me. The four of us made it over to the skee ball booth and paid the attendant who set it up to let us compete against each other. When the starting buzzer beeped we all grabbed our balls to throw. While Alessia and I were focused on having fun, Drew and Antonio were focusing on beating each other. They were both growing it into the 100 slots and glaring each other when the other would get it in. After about two minutes the balls stopped coming back and the game ended.

We looked up at the scores; Alessia- 102, me- 113, Antonio- 203, and Drew with the winning score of 212. Drew chuckled and smirked at Antonio. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "What would you like?" Asked the attendant.

Drew was looking around as my eyes found their way to a semi big black and red stuffed dragon. "I'll take that one." I saw the dragon get taken down and handed to Drew. I turned to him as he held it out to me.

I had a big smile on my face as I took it from his hands. I jumped into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck. "thank you. I love it."

He chuckled and squeezed me. "Your welcome queenie." He said. His head lowered a bit and he spoke in a whisper. "Anything for my girlfriend."

I released him and smiled. I turned around to face Antonio and Alessia. Tony had his arms crossed and a frown on his face. I sighed and looked at Alessia. She shrugged and tugged on his hand. He looked down at her. "Can we go play darts?" She asked.

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