Bonus chapter: 59

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Thank you @Priscilla005 for the feedback on my story! Honestly, you have given me so much feedback and great conversations that I can even load them all! So I'm just gonna say thank you!

Drew's pov

"Give me your hand."

I chuckled doing what she wanted. "Why?"

She sat against the back of the seat in front of me. She's so beautiful. She had on a tight tan tank top giving me a look at those gorgeous breasts, tight black jeans that showed off her shapely ass, and pink heels that had her walking like a supermodel. She has always been the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. "Thumb war." She started moving her thumb side to side. "1234 I declare a thumb war, 5678 this will be a piece of cake."

We started a thumb war. I was more entertained by her concentration face than the actual game. As she started to lose she stood up. Her elbow pointed up giving her an advantage. "Queenie stop cheating, sit down."

She smirked coming forward and straddling my lap. I wrapped my other hand around her waist pulling her against me. Just as I was about to win she leaned forward kissing me gently. I moved my lips against hers, forgetting all about the stupid little game. She pulled away and smiled. "I win."

I rolled my eyes. "You cheated."

"Did not." She said acting like she was offended. "There is nothing against the rules that say you can't seduce your opponent."

"I'm pretty sure it's implied."

She shrugged. "Whatever I win."

I gently grabbed her chin. "Sure you did." I leaned forward and kissed her. She moved her arms around my neck as she pressed into me.

"So you agree that I won?"


Just as she was about to kiss me again, a voice perked up. "Excuse me, are these seats taken?"

We turned our heads to see two girls standing close to us point at the seat next to Regina's. "Nope, they're all yours." Said Regina turning her body to sit sideways on my lap.

"Thanks," one of them smiled. They sat down. "What year are you guys in?" She asked.

"Oh, we're freshmen."

"Really? Most freshmen take the 101 class."

"Well we took the test that got us credit for the class and we were moved into this one."

She nodded. "Well, I hope you guys work out."

"Excuse me?" Asked Regina. I wrapped my arms tighter around her waist. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, I just mean a lot of couples who come here from high school usually end up breaking up before the year is out due to the extra workload and new environment."

Regina chuckled. "Well thank you for your concern but we aren't gonna break up." I squeezed her kissing the side of her head. I rested my chin on her shoulder. "We've been through a lot and I think we can handle college."

We got through our class, Regina writing notes and me distracting her every few minutes making her hit me. Luckily we had all of our law classes together but she had a couple of advanced math and science classes that I wasn't taking. When he dismissed us she packed her bag. "Wanna go to lunch before I have to go to my next class?"

"I'd love to queenie," I said kissing her cheek. She smiled. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "You wanna go to that little cafe down the street?"

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