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Thank you @JYP922 for the feedback on my story! I'm glad that you love Sydney in "The Princess and the Devil" and that she didn't let the death of her brother keep her from making a new family with Jason and the others.

I started to get nervous when Regina didn't answer any of my texts. I've been trying to text her since this morning when she didn't come to English. After lunch was over I went over to Antonio. He was resting his forehead against his locker. He turned his head to me as I walked up. "Antonio where is Regina?"

"At home, she hasn't slept in days."

Shit. "Thanks," I Said. He nodded. I walked out of school to my bike. Hopping on I rode to her house.

I knocked on the front door. Jason opened the door. He sighed. "Come in."

I walked inside behind him. "figlioccio What are you doing out of school?" Said Sydney from the couch. Jason sat beside her wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Antonio told me Regina hasn't been sleeping," I Said. "I thought I could help."

She nodded. "Upstairs in her room."


"Andrew?" She said. I turned back around. "Please help her."

I nodded. I made my way upstairs to her room. I walked straight inside. She was pacing around her room with her hands on her head. She was mumbling words to herself. "Queenie?"

She turned around. She shook her head. "Please get out. There are too many voices I don't need yours too."

"I won't talk Queenie. Can I just sit with you?"

She thought about it before nodding. I sat down on the bed. She continued pacing around her room. She looked back at me. "You really aren't gonna ask?" I shook my head. She sat down on the ground in front of me. "I'm not schizophrenic."

"I know Queenie," I Said quietly.

"You know I'm a genius right?" I nodded. "I can hear formulas, equations, different ideas in my head all the time. I can tune them out most of the time. The worst of it comes at night and recently it'd been so much I can't fall asleep."

"Regina baby can I help?"

She whimpered. "It won't quiet down." I went down to her level. I opened up my arms for her. She crawled to me sitting in my lap. I wrapped my arms tightly around her. I kissed the top of her head. She moaned in relief. "How?"

"How what Regina baby?" I whispered.

"It's gone." She sighed. She snuggled deeper into my arms. "Just being in your arms made it quieter."

"I don't understand."

"I don't either." She said in content. She nuzzled her face into my chest. "Please just hold me."

I slowly and carefully picked her up into my arms. Holding her bridal style, I walked us to her bed. I laid down with her on top of me. "Go to sleep Queenie. I'll stay as long as you need me."

She nodded and started to fall asleep. I ran my hands through her hair and up and down her back. The door quietly opened. I looked over. Antonio was standing there glaring at me. "Hell fucking no. I told you she was at home not so you could sleep with her."

"Antonio you said she hadn't slept in days and now she's asleep."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing." He didn't look convinced. "When I hugged her she said the voices got quieter. Now, will you relax and let her sleep?"

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