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Thank you @Kiaramcca for the feedback on my story! I'm glad you think it's better than most peoples books!

"Cheers." Said mamma as we clicked our bottles together.

"Aunt Sydney, you really are something." Chuckled Alessia. "I love that you're letting us drink."

Mamma smiled. "Well, the boys are out so I thought we could do something."

I reached over and squeezed mamma's hand. "Thank you for convincing dad to take Andrew along with them." Every year dad takes all my brothers to an outdoor shooting range for a bonding day. This year I asked mamma to get dad to bring Drew along so that they could start getting along. She was easily able to convince dad to take Drew along.

She took a sip of her drink. "It was no problem Bambina." Her phone rang. She put it to her ear. "Hi Amore, are you guys on your way back?.... what?... yeah I got it.... here I'll give it to Regina." I looked at her confused as she handed me the phone.

(Regina talking, Jason talking)

Regina, I need you and Alessia to hack into the docks security footage and help us find a way out
I quickly stood up and ran upstairs. Why are you at the docks?
I'll explain later but right now I need your help
I log into my computer. I hacked into the county's records and into the security footage of the docs. Mamma and Alessia walked into my room. Dad, I'm in
Do you see us?
I switched between cameras until I saw them. Dad, Antonio, and Drew were hiding behind one shipping container while Luca and the twins hid behind another. Yeah I got you guys
Can you get us out of here?
Yeah, I need Luca and the twins to go to the right then straight to the street in exactly four seconds.
Luca Twins, two seconds right then to the street.
Just as I predicted the men turned around at the exact time I thought. The three boys ran towards the street out of my sight. Dad you guys are next. Ten seconds and you are to break left towards Luca's old spot.
I got it. Boys seven seconds then we go to where they were before.
Now. They ran out just as the men turned again. Three-point seven seconds before you guys make your way to the street
Three-point seven?
One point eight now. Dad, Antonio, and Drew all started running at the time I wanted. But my assessment was off and one of the men turned around. He pulled out a gun and the shot was fired. Drew pushed my dad out of the way causing the bullet to hit Drew. NO
Antonio grab him. I saw dad and Antonio help Drew up and run off with him. I lost visual of them.
We'll be home soon baby girl

He hung up on me. I hacked into the city's traffic cam feed and watch the car drive home. When the car parked in the driveway the three of us ran downstairs. The boys walked through the front door. Mamma launched herself into dad's arms. "Amore, you are not leaving this Fucking house again."

Dad chuckled. "Yeah, I got it, princess."

Antonio walked up to Alessia hugging her. I didn't hear what he said to her as I ran into Drew's arms. He groaned as he caught me. "You idiot" I whimpered.

"Why are you calling me an idiot?" He chuckled. "I got shot, I think you should be nicer to me."

"Why did you do that?" I asked. "You could've died."

He squeezed me tighter. "It's gonna take a lot more than a bullet to kill me Queenie."

"I'm sorry I'm sorry." I cried. "My calculations were off, I should've known exactly when it was safe for you to go."

He shushed me. "It's okay Queenie it wasn't your fault." I felt my breathing shudder as I was about to cry. "Regina baby don't you dare cry, I'm not mad."

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