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Thank you @Vico764 for the feedback on my story! I'm glad you keep rereading the stories and falling in love with them again and again. I'm glad you like the part where Andrew took Regina on the yacht cause I loved that part too!

The car door was opened by a valet. He gave me a hand to help me out of the car. Drew got out of the car and threw his keys at the guy. "Be careful with her." He Said. I turned and glared at him. He rolled his eyes. "And thank you."

"Yes, sir." The valet nodded climbing into the car.

Drew came around to wrap his arm around my waist. We walked into the gorgeous house with gold molding trims and paintings covering the walls. "I love this house. I definitely want this kind of molding in my future house."

"We can definitely do that." He whispered kissing the side of my head. I smiled. He leaned down next to my ear. "You wanna remind me how she's so rich?"

I pulled us over to a wall. I pointed up at a man in the family portrait. "So her dad owns about a quarter of Canada" I moved my finger down next to him. "Her mom is, I think, 92nd in line for the throne of England." I moved my finger down to the guy in the picture. "Her hot hot older brother scored big in oil in Alaska." I moved my finger to the girl next to him. "And of course you know Sadie."

"Yes I know Sadie but let's go back to the hot older brother."

I smiled up at him. I ran the back of my hand along his cheek. "Have I mentioned how much I love you today?"

He leaned down kissing my forehead. "I love you Queenie but if you talk about hot older brothers again-"

"I won't," I said wrapping my arms around his neck. I pecked his lips. "You're a lot hotter than him anyways."

"I know." He Said. He grabbed my hand twirling me around. "Let's go to the party."

We walked outside to the party. Her backyard was filled with white balloons and streamers. I looked down at my dress to see I matched the decorations. I was wearing a short white rippled dress and white laced up heels. I had a string of pearls around my neck and wrists. "Oh, there's Sadie." I walked up to Sadie handing her a small bag.

"Oh, thanks for coming, both of you. So there is food over there, you're welcome to swim if you want, and drinks are being walked around."

"Thanks." I smiled. She smiled at me and walked away to go mingle. I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "You go sit and be social, I'm gonna get some food."

He nodded going over to sit with some of the football players. I filled a plate with chips walking back over to Drew. I sat sideways on his lap. He leaned up kissing my cheek. "Have you met well the football team?"

"Some of them yeah." I chuckled. "I've tutored half of them."

"You know you are very lucky Regina." Said one of the girls sitting around the boys. "I wish my boyfriend would profess his love to me like Andrew did."

I turned to look at him. "I'm am very lucky." I put my hand on his cheek pecking his lips. He smiled at me.

"He's lucky too cause I mean you're smoking hot."

Drew's smile dropped and he turned to glare at the guy. He started to pick me up off his lap. I grabbed his forearm stopping him. "cálmese, it was a joke. (calm down)"

He sat back down. He tightened his grip around my waist putting his nose against my neck. He took in a breath before looking at the guy. "Another word about her and I'll break your hand."

He held his hands up in surrender. I laid my head on his chest running my fingers up and down his forearm. I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "I'm gonna get a drink."

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