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Thank you @yessimer25 for the feedback on my story! I'm glad you liked how I developed the characters!

"Regina sweetheart, are you ready to go?" Asked Aunt Madi peeking her head into my room.

I straightened out my dress and pulled my hair up. "I'm ready, are Antonio and mamma already downstairs?" She nodded. "And Annelise is still asleep?"

"Yes and I'll make sure she sleeps in."

"Thank you for watching them while we're gone."

She gave me a small hug. "It's no problem, Regina. Sydney is one of my best friends and Jason is like a brother to me." She grabbed my hands, her face turning serious. "I hope everything goes out way today."

"So do I, auntie," I whispered. "I don't think mamma could handle it otherwise." The two of us walked downstairs to the living room where mamma was sitting with Luca and the twins and Antonio were sitting on the couch with his arms wrapped around Alessia.

Mamma looked up at me smiling softly. "Are you ready to go Bambina?" I nodded. She kissed the top of the boys'heads as she stood up. Antonio gave one last kiss to Alessia. She walked over to the boys and started playing cards with the twins. She always got along with the twins due to their love for math in common. She taught them how to count cards before they even got to high school. "Joe and my personal guards are outside with the car."

Antonio walked over grabbing her hand. "Are you sure you wanna go today?"

She squeezed his hand and reached for mine. "I need to be there for him, no matter the outcome."

She walked over to Madi hugging her and talking quietly. Antonio leaned down next to me. "Are you sure she should come today?"

"No," I whispered. "But do you think any one of us could talk her out of coming?"

He sighed and shook his head. The three of us walked outside where three SUVs were parked in front of the house. "Mrs. King, we really must be going." Said Joe. Mamma nodded.

He opened the backseat door to the middle car letting all of us in. Three other guards and Joe climbed into theft onto seats of the car. Joe drove us to the courthouse with a car in front of us and another trailing us. When we arrived the guards surrounded us keeping the cameras and reporters away from us. We got to the courtroom and sat down in the front behind where dad would sit. The guards waited outside.

A few minutes later the deputy walked dad in. He wore a simple black suit. He was handcuffed in front but they were unlocked when he got to his seat. We have only been able to see him on court days because the judge denied bail claiming he was a flight risk. Dad looked over at Antonio. "Hey, kid."

"Hey, dad."

"You've been taking care of things for me? Running the house?"

Antonio nodded. "Yeah, uncle Sean and uncle Chris have been helping me."

"That's good." He then looked over to me. "Did I buy you that dress baby girl?"

I nodded. "Yes, sir."

He smiled at me. "It looks nice on you." He looked over at mamma. He seemed to stare at her for ages before speaking. "That better not be a tear princess."

She rolled her eyes and brought her hand up to wipe under her eyes. "Cry for you? Why would I do that? You were dumb enough to get caught."

He chuckled. "I'll try harder next time... I love you, princess."

"I love you, Amore."

"All rise for the honorable judge Parkins." We all stood up and then sat back down when we were told. Today consisted of closing arguments then the jury leaving for deliberations. Antonio and I stayed with mamma who refused to leave dad.

It had been over an hour when the jury walked back in. The judge called the room into order by banging his gavel. The foreman stood up. "We find the defendant Jason King Guilty for the destruction of public property, disturbance of the peace, assault with a deadly weapon, and attempted murder."

"Noooo!" Screamed mamma. Antonio held her down as the judge banged the gavel.

Dad turned around and walked to the gate that separated him from mamma. She stood up and launched herself into his arms. He wrapped his arms around him and ran his hand through her hair. "Shh princess it's okay I'll be okay. Don't cry princess don't cry for me."

"Amore." She cried.

"Mr. King it's time to go." Said the deputy.

"No." Mamma whimpered. "No, he's not leaving me."

He kissed her forehead softy. Dad lifted his head up and looked up at me and Antonio. "Antonio get your mother." He nodded as he walked up and grabbed mamma's waist. He pulled her back into him. "I love you princess. I love you kids. Tell your brothers and sister I love them."

I walked up to mamma and wrapped my arms around her. She cried into my shoulder as they took dad away. "No" She cried.

"Shh mamma," I whispered. "He'll be okay."

Antonio grabbed mamma's hand as I grabbed the other. We walked her out of the courthouse where we had a team of five of our men waiting to escort us out. They surrounded us and walked us out through the mob of reporters. We hopped into the car and shut the door. "Go." Ordered Antonio.

The car started and drove us away. Mamma cried out and laid her head on my lap sobbing. "Shhh, mamma." I brushed her hair and gently rubbed her back as she cried. Antonio silently reached over to grab my hand. He held and squeezed my hand in support. We pulled up to the house. Antonio got out and Joe came around to my side of the car. I got out of the car. Joe grabbed Mamma's hand only to have her collapse in the ground. "Mamma!"

Joe picked her up. The three of us walked into the house. "Joe take her to her room." Said Antonio.

"No no." She whimpered. "Please not without him."

I sighed. "Just put her on the couch, Joe." He nodded and did what I said.

A minute later Madi, Sam, and unsurprisingly Amelia came down the stairs. They sat around her holding her as she cried. Antonio came over to me. "You need to get some rest Sorella."

I shook my head. "No, I can't leave her."

"She's in very capable hands." He whispered. "Go get some rest."

I nodded. He kissed the top of my head. I walked upstairs. I opened my bedroom door to see Drew fast asleep on my bed. I walked over to sit in my bed. I ran my hand through his hair. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. "Regina baby."

"Hey, you. What are you doing here?"

He yawned. "I wanted to be here for you." I smiling running the back of my hand along his cheek. "Are you okay?" I nodded. He smiled at me. "Lay down with me."

I slipped off my heels and then laid down. He wrapped his arms around me spooning me from behind. I felt a tear running down my cheek before I broke down in his arms. He gently kissed my shoulder squeezing me tighter. I grabbed his hands and sobbed. He said nothing, knowing that all I needed was his support.

So first I wanna brag a little; on Thursday I got accepted into the University of Arizona! I am honestly so so happy cause it's one of my top schools.
So I've had a really good last couple of days. Thursday I both got accepted into college and I hung out with an old friend of mine whom I haven't seen in literally forever (It was crazy cause he was now taller than me) (and he is the inspiration/namesake for Sean in "The Princess and the Devil" And this story. We went to two sporting events and then ended up catching up for two hours at McDonald's. The only downside of this is that I ran on 2 hours of sleep all Friday and then woke up early today for practice but you know so far I haven't died yet or anything.

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