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Thank you @Loveisallyouneed2019 for the feedback on my story! I'm glad the plot had your heart racing. Please go check out her story "I'm the boss", I've read the first few chapters and I have to say it's very interesting.

I walked the halls with my head down and my arms wrapped around my body. I felt comfy and safe in my sweatpants and hoodie. I put my bag in my locker before I started heading to lunch. I saw Drew about ten feet away walking towards me. He had a smile on his face. "Queenie hey."

I turned around and walked in the opposite direction not saying anything to him. He ran up to me grabbing my waist to stop me. I pushed his arms off of me. "Don't touch me." I whispered.

"Queenie What- what did I do?"

"Do- don't call me that."

I started walking away again. He grumbled something behind me that I couldn't make out. He ran back in front of me. He bent down and threw me over his shoulder. "Andrew Grey put me down," I screeched.

He walked us into a room. He closed the door behind us and pushed me up against it. Holding my arms to my side he pressed his body against me to hold me still. "Why are you mad?"

"Get off of me." I growled struggling to get free.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong" he shouted.

"You used me" i shouted back. "I get it, it was all a lie."


"You got what you wanted you fucked the rival gang leader daughter." I cried. "I fucking get it."

"Regina, Friday night meant everything to me you have to believe me."

"You said you would call me." I whimpered. "I called, I texted, I FaceTimed, NOTHING."

After the tenth call, text and FaceTime it dawned on me. I got used. Everything was a lie. I let him weave his way into my life and all he wanted was a good fuck.

A sob escaped from my mouth. I ran and hid in my closet hoping my cries wouldn't be heard. My hopes weren't answered when I heard a knock at my door. "Bambina? Are you in here?"

"Just go away." I shouted my voice cracking.

Mamma walked into my closet and over to me. She kneeled down in front of me. "Bambina what happened? What's wrong?"


"Bambina you can talk to me." She soothed.

"Just please I wanna be alone."

She patted down my hair and kissed the top of my head. "I'm here whenever you're ready to talk."

She walked out leaving me alone. I pulled my knees up to my chest and started weeping. I heard my closet door start to open. I looked up to see princes' head pop in. "Prince Vieni qui." He walked over to me and laid down with his head in my lap. I pet him as I cried. With every sob that left my mouth prince snuggled in closer to me and whined. "How could I have been so stupid?" How could I let him use me? What did I do wrong?"

"Queenie it isn't what it looks like."

"Then tell me how It should look. Cause to me it looks like you used me for a decent fuck then dumped me."

He grabbed my face. "Regina when I got home from dropping you off my mom was furious. She was so mad that I had put you in danger by driving in that storm. She was pissed, she took my phone, my backup phone I didn't know she knew I had, my laptop, my tv and confined me to my bedroom. She almost didn't let me come to school today but my dad made her. Regina, Friday meant everything to me."

Don't Mess with the Queen✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora