Chapter 41

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Chapter 41:

I gulp and wiggle my fingers on the controls. Come on Mara, you can do this. I know I can. I have to, for me, for Leia, for Luke. And for Obi-Wan. He'd want to toughen up and face my feelings. I can't let it get in the way. If anything, let this motivate me, not slow me down. "Watch out for fighters, guys," I warn.

"Alright," one says.

"I see them now," someone else says. That clenching feeling transforms into the feeling of my heart being deflated. I'm over exaggerating, of course. I gasp from the feeling. "They're right behind me!"

"Almost there," another voice says.

"I can't hold-" Gone.

"It's out!" the leader shouts happily. He pulls up.

"Did it work?" I ask.

"No, it didn't go in," the leader sounds defeated now.

"Alright, we're right above you. We'll cover for you!" I state. "You hear that Luke?"

"Got it," he replies.

"I just lost my starboard engine," the leader says. Oh great. "Go, run!" Then I hear the leader yell. I look out the side of my window and I see him crash and blow up.

"That isn't good at all," I mutter. "At least better than buzz droids," I whisper to myself. "Alright, let's go all out. That should keep them busy."

"Okay then," someone says.

"Luke, lead," I order. He zooms in front of all of us and his speed seems high.

"With that speed, do you think we can pull it off?" someone asks.

"Trust me," Luke says. I follow them down into the canyon like ditch. My ring slides across my chest again.

"I'll stay back just enough to cover you," someone says.

"Mara, stick close to me," Luke says. I nod, then I notice he can't really see me.

"Alright," I say. "Just like the good old days," I mumble. "What about the tower?" I ask.

"Let me worry about the tower," Luke says back. That feeling comes again.

"Uh oh," I breathe out. "There's three fighters."

"I'm hit," someone says.

"Go on then," I say kindly.

"Sorry," he says. I hear him pull up from behind me.

"Hurry, they're coming in faster this time," the one from the far back says. I feel my thoughts blur a bit. I remember there's only one thing that can do that.

"Oh no," I sigh. "Annie, come on," I whisper very quietly to myself.

"Hurry up you two!" the man says.

"We're trying!" I whimper. I can sense Anakin get closer. I can't tell Luke that Anakin is here, he's doing enough that can stress him. Adding Vader into the equation will just make things worse for him. I hear an explosion. "Stay focused, we can do this," I tell Luke. I see Luke turn on his targeting computer. Good. I tilt my neck, relaxing a bit. All of a sudden, I can't think. My hands loosen and my eyes get wide. I don't even feel my X-Wing tilt downwards.

"Mara!" Luke shouts. I blink back to reality and I start to panic myself back to the controls. I pull myself back level and I focus. "What were you doing?"

"I-I don't know," I stammer. I close my eyes and think of Anakin. "Annie, I'm here. I'm not worth it. Go. Please," I whisper. I hear the beeping of my controls. I open my eyes and see Luke turned off his computer. Obi-Wan's involved. Good. I hear shooting and it misses me a bit. I hear R2 shout in the communications. "R2!" I panic.

"I've lost R2," Luke states. I hear more shooting and it goes to Luke. It misses and it barely misses me. I hear an explosion from behind. "

"What the?" I mutter. I hear Han's cheer. "Han!" I smile. I hear a collision and the grasp around my heart loosen, but it's still sort of there. Anakin isn't dead.

"You're all clear, now let's destroy this thing and go home!" Han says. I pull up for safety. I follow the familiar Falcon. I speed out of the way and near the Falcon.

"Good to see you have a heart," I chuckle. We all get out of that mess and I hear a large explosion from behind us. We go back to the base. I smile brightly. "Great job, Luke," I say calmly. We land in the hangar and I strap off my helmet and open the cockpit door. I wipe my face and I sit on the side of the ship. Luke comes running over to me.

"We did it!" he shouts. I let my legs dangle and I smile kindly.

"You did it," I smile.

"Oh come on. Without you-"

"You wouldn't have a panicky girl on your side," I sigh.

"We all panicked at one point," Luke says.

"But mine almost put us in danger. I almost killed myself because of it," I sigh.

"But you didn't. Which means there was still enough bravery to conquer your fear. Come on," Luke puts a hand out. I force a smile. I climb down and shake my hair.

"You go, you deserve the attention. I'll be at the ceremony. See you later," I smile. Luke nods and runs to the crowd. I place my hand on the ring around my neck. If only the real Anakin could see us now. I'd be happy as well. I feel my eyes water up. Luke and Leia are hugging. Laughing and cheering.

"Mara, you did well," Obi-Wan says in my head.

"I guess I did," I sigh.

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