Chapter 46

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Chapter 46:

They start to evacuate the station and I try and stay calm. I walk out to check on Han and Chewy working on the Falcon.

"Alright! That ought to do it! Try it!" Han calls. I see Chewy flip some switches. The top starts to flash in Han's face. "Turn it off! Turn it off!" Han panics. The flashing stops and I dawdle off. I see Luke come running out.

"Luke," I sigh in complete relief he's okay. I run to him and hug him tightly. I can tell from his slight taps on my back that he's confused. I pull back. "Just grateful you're okay," I smile.

"I am," he smiles back. I then realize he's got flying gear on.

"You're going out again?" I ask.

"Yes. Hey, listen, I have to tell you something," Luke replies.

"What is it?" I ask with concern.

"Ben, he came to me out there. He said I have to go to the Dogabah system to meet this... 'Yoda'," Luke states.

"So you're going to take this into full swing of learning?" I ask. "I was taught by Yoda. I promise, you'll learn a lot about yourself."

"I won't be coming back," he adds.

"As long as you're with Yoda, you'll be safe. I promise. Tell him I said hello," I grin. "Be safe," I smile and wipe a hair out of his eyes. He nods and I let him go. I sigh. I don't want to leave his side, but I need time to rethink and he needs to train. I walk off and a man bumps into me, ready for a fight. "What's going on?" I ask.

"Four star ships are coming into the atmosphere. We are told to be ready for a ground assault," he replies and runs off. I dawdle and I try to find a way to not be separated from Leia. I'm staying here, and that's final.

The crowd around Leia splits and she walks to me. She leads me to the control room. I stop at the doorway and she walks in. I hear echoes.

"The first transport is away," the intercom repeats. I hear cheering. I gnaw on my thumb, hoping to my life Luke is safe and sound.

"We have spotted a walker," a voice from the communications says. I feel like my teeth pierced into the soft skin of my fingertip. I hear blasts and thumps.

"Echo station, we're on our way," Luke's voice says from the communications.

"Come on," I mutter. I hear Luke talk to the other fighters and I just hope he can keep up his natural gift at flying.

"Use your harpoons and tow cables, it might be our only way to destroy them," Luke says. I feel a small smile grow on my face as I hear his cunning mind think quickly. He keeps talking, trying to keep his team up. I hear a blast from him. I stiffen my posture, hoping for the best. I hear his voice again and I somewhat relax. I lean my back on the wall just outside of the room. I hear someone say they got one down. I try and breathe, just to calm myself and see if I can try and sense Anakin.

Wrong thing happens. I come to a memory. A memory of a night on Naboo, after our wedding. We sat there in the grass, looking up at the stars. My head was on his chest and his arm around me. I remember that night so clearly. It was the night we first made love.

I shake into reality again and I look around. The whole base just shook. I run out to the Falcon, hoping to find 3PO, Chewy, R2, and Han. I look up and I see R2 load up into the X-Wing Luke is taking. I see the place jiggle again. This thing isn't going to be around for long. I try and see if I can climb up to Chewy. My focus goes to the Imperial troops that weaseled their way in here. I put up my hand and two fly back. I just realized I shouldn't have done that. Now they'll report to Anakin that I'm here. I lift up my leg and pull out my blaster from my boot for protection.

I keep hearing blasts. They're constant. My heart feels like it's being squished between two fingers. I let out a shaky breath and I go into the Falcon for safety. Chewy runs out.

Anakin's looking for me. I can feel him. Ever since I screamed as he murdered Obi-Wan, he's settled on finding me. Once me, then Luke. He doesn't plan on Luke staying around for long.

I hear Chewy roar and Han yelling, followed by 3PO's yelling for them to wait. I hear them walk quickly on.

I get chills on my body. I can feel my memories come to life. I can feel Anakin's lips on my neck, his breath scattering my skin. My eyes close they did a long time ago. I bite my lip.

I hear them all communicating in the other room.

My skin gives birth to goosebumps as I feel the memories grow stronger. Anakin's getting closer. I can feel his hands as they were on my waist in the memory. I feel them come to life, like it's happening again. I gasp and my eyes flutter open. I see my breathing was quick and I try and slow it down. Anakin's outside, I can feel how close he is. He gets further as I feel the ship lift off. I feel the same thing as we lift out of the atmosphere. I hold in my tears from the memory that seemed so real.

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