Chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

R2 beeps again. 3PO looks at R2, then back at me. "She is scheduled to be terminated," 3PO says. I start panicking.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"We have to do something!" Luke blurts. Han comes into the conversation.

"What? No!" Han says.

"We have to help her! She's the one in the message, we got to do something!" Luke and Han get nose to nose.

"Don't get any funny ideas. The fossil wants us to stay in here," Han shoots back.

"I agree with Luke. I say we find the princess," I jump in. They both look at me. "Obi-Wan obviously didn't know she was here, and neither did I."

"Well I'm not going anywhere," Han gets comfy in a chair.

"They're going to execute her!" Luke snaps. "A few minutes ago, you said you hated sitting around here."

"Marching right into the detention area isn't exactly what I had in mind," Han whines. I roll my eyes.

"They're going to kill her!" Luke says. I know what just might change Han's perspective.

"Better her than me!"

"You know the kind of reward you can get for saving the princess?" I ask, not even looking at them.

"What?" Han gets interested.

"Yeah, that's right. You want specifics? Let's find out," I smirk.

"Alright, but you two better be right about this," Han starts to stand up. "Now, who's got the plan?" I look up and let the gears in my head turn. Luke looks around.

"3PO hand me those, there," Luke points to something that is behind 3PO. C-3PO grabs some cuffs and hands them to Luke. "Alright then, now Chewy-" he tries to get the cuffs on but Chewy doesn't like the cuffs. Chewy almost throws a fit and Luke backs up. "Han, can you?" Han stands up and takes the cuffs. He starts to put them on Chewy. I start to look around for something I can do. I start to take off my top dress as I get an idea. I take the man that we knocked out I keep my boots on and I stuff my saber and blaster in each. I take the man's coat and I overlap it with my brown shirt. I take the pants and try and get them to fit me perfectly. Luke sees what I'm doing and he understands it right away. I tighten my hair and put the cap on. I look so dull.

"Um, Master Luke? What should R2 and I do if we are discovered?" 3PO asks. We all start walking out, and I give my top dress to 3PO to hold.

"Lock the door," Luke says plainly.

"And hope they're unarmed," Han adds.

"That isn't very reassuring," 3PO says.

We walk in the halls and my heart feels as if it's being clenched, Anakin's wandering, I just can't detect the exact location. I walk behind Han, Luke, and Chewy. A droid speeds it's way to us and Chewy thinks it's beeping is annoying. As soon as it comes close t us, Chewy roars. The scared little droid speeds off. I scratch the back of Chewy to calm him down. We walk past other people that look like their dressed as me and I notice how they walk. Chin up, hands behind them. I mimic their ways and I keep walking. We reach what looks like a overlook. Other people walk past us. We're at the elevators. Han and Luke look like they are guarding the elevator. We have no idea on how to get in. Just then, the elevator door opens. I remember back to when I got that pain in the command ship elevator. Chewy goes in first and I am second.

"I can't see a thing in this helmet," Luke whines. I roll my eyes and look down.

"Quit whining," Han hisses. The door shuts and I relax my neck. I get that clenching feeling on my heart again.

"Are you alright?" Luke asks. I nod as a lie. I honestly don't know if I'm okay or not. Luke and Han start to take the cuffs off of Chewy.

"This isn't going to work," Han sings.

"Why didn't you say so before?" Luke asks.

"I did!" Han hisses back.

"Stop, it's going to work," I calm them down. The door from behind us opens and the room is dark. I keep my head down. We walk out and I go out last. The door shuts, almost getting me. The men in the room come to us. Move to the front.

"Where are you taking this.... thing?" the man asks.

"Prisoner Transport from cell block 1-1-3-8?" I reply, keeping my face stern.

"I wasn't told," the man says. I bite my inner lip. "I'll have to clear it." He signals some other men to check. They pull out their blasters. I move out of the way and Chewy roars. He hits away a man.

"Look out! He's free!" someone warns. I lift up my leg and pull out my blaster. I begin to shoot at the people. I hit someone in the heart, dead on. I was told I would be a wonderful clone one day. I hate clones now. Luke and Han start destroying all of the wall machinery. Luke runs around and tears off the man I killed from the controls. Han looks for something in the controls.

"We need to find out where this princess is hidden," Han says. "There. 21-87." I look down the hall of cells and I try to find out which side that cell block is on. "You get her Luke." Luke runs off and I try to take of Chewy's other cuff. My goodness, these little things are tough! I give up and run after Luke. I tear off the dull cap I have. I hear a blaster shot and I look back at Han. He shot the communications. "We're going to have company!" Han shouts. Great.

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