Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

I get comfy on the couch and I hold myself. I just wish everything would be as it was. Peaceful and calm. The night drags on slowly and I don't sleep at all. I just can't. I play with the ring around my neck. I wish Anakin was here. I wish I wasn't alone. I wish Padme was still alive, so I could have real company. I hear a ship outside, but I bet it's just my imagination. Anakin should be on Mustafar as he said he would be.

I look out the window and I see the smoke from last night still cascading up into the atmosphere. I hardly think anyone survived what I think went on. I can't think of a reason on why I would even go there. I bet Sideous has a close eye out for me. He never seemed to like me after I looked a lot closer to Anakin. I just don't understand why. My eyes trail to Padme's calm body on the opposite couch. Sadness droops over me once more. I feel my eyes water up and my lip starts to quiver. I'm going to kill Sideous. If it's the last thing I do. I rest my elbows on my knees and I let the tears run down. I thought I was stronger than this. If this stupid pregnancy hadn't happened, I could've saved every single Jedi in the temple. I know I could've.

Darth Maul's eye appears again in my head. That red rimmed yellow. Darth Maul killed Obi-Wan's master right in front of him. That, I believe, is true evil. I let a tear drop on my knee. I feel guilt rain over me. I could've stopped this. If I wasn't pregnant. I let out a sob. I feel disappointed, in myself. I wipe away a tear from my cheek. I'm missing something, I just know it. A zoom comes to the landing balcony again. This time, it isn't Anakin. It's Obi-Wan. I quickly stand up and walk to him. "Obi-Wan!" I sigh in relief. "You survived."

"Have they tried to kill you too?" he asks. I sigh and look down. I look back up and nod slightly.

"Senator Amidala took the shot instead. They mistook me for her," I blink back unnecessary tears.

Obi-Wan isn't interested in my loss anymore. "Has Anakin been here?" I stay silent. "When was the last time you saw him?" I take a deep breath and walk to the couch I was on.

"Yesterday," I reply.

"Do you know where he is now?" Obi-Wan asks. I bite my lip. Should I tell him the truth?

"No, I don't," I lie.

"Mara, I need your help," he says like a father. I close my eyes and stop in my steps. "He's in grave danger." I turn on my heel.

"From the Sith? Aren't we all?" I hiss.

"From himself," Obi-Wan looks dead in my eyes. I gulp. "Mara... Anakin has turned to the dark side." I Don't Believe This.

"No. That isn't possible. How can you even think of such a thing?" I snap back. Obi-Wan walks past me into the sunlight.

"I've seen a security hologram," he sounds like he's holding back sadness. "Of him... killing younglings."

"Then you must be mistaken. Anakin couldn't. He wouldn't," I try to keep my lies in place. Obi-Wan turns around to me.

"He was deceived by a lie, we all were. It seems that the chancellor is behind this. All of this including the war," he gets closer to me. His voice grows to a hushed tone, "Palpatine is the Sith lord we've been looking for all this time. After the death of Count Dooku, Anakin became his new apprentice."

"You're lying," I look away. "There's no way Anakin would let anyone try to kill me or you. I just... can't believe you..." I sit back in the spot I was in. Obi-Wan sits beside me.

"Mara, you know what you have to do," he sighs. I snap my head to him.

"No. That's wrong. I'm not going to kill him. And I won't let you do it either!" I feel my lip quiver.

"He has become a very powerful threat," he sighs. I shake my head slowly. I look down at my tummy. Obi-Wan stands up. "Anakin is the father, am I correct?" I snap my head up. We're screwed. I cross my arms tightly and I look down at them. "I'm so sorry." He walks into his ship and I hear him zoom off. I look to my cloak and I think hard. Didn't Padme say her ship was mine now? I stand up and walk to my cloak. I snatch the cloak and I slip my arms in my sleeves and I flip the hood up. I'm going to take Padme's request. I'm going to see Anakin. I need to know for myself if Anakin's gone rogue.

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