Chapter 64

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Chapter 64:

I drop my hands. Please, don't even consider this 'offer'. That's exactly how Anakin was turned. Because he thought of his loved ones. But now, Sideous isn't even really going to call off the attack if Luke turns. I wipe away the tear before it even gets to my cheek. Run Luke, now.

"Please," I whisper. Sideous doesn't even glance at me. I look to Luke once more. I just want to touch him. Just a hand on the shoulder or a movement of his hair, that would be just fine. I just want to let him feel safe and I won't let them hurt him. I look at my hands. I focus on my fingertips. No, no electricity. Then, I will be truly evil. Only anger can unleash the full power of the force, but being calm lets you actually think for yourself.

I can't stop this tear from falling, it's too quick. It runs down my face and slows at my chin. I ball up my hand.

"As you can see, my young apprentice. Your friends have failed," Sideous hisses. Luke looks back at him. Luke notices the stray tear, showing him that I truly care about him. "Now witness the fire power of this fully armed and operational battle station," Sideous adds. I snap my head to him. He looks at a side button a creepy smile grows on his face. "Fire at will commander," Sideous orders. I widen my eyes in fear. I look up to Anakin, looking pretty unemotional. Mostly because I can't see his eyes at all.

I look out again and I see a large green ray destroy a cruiser of the rebels'. My favorite color has been sullied. Lando is out there. Turn back. Everyone, turn back.

I touch my ring, underneath all of my clothes. Please, just let me die and end all of this fighting. Just let Luke go, let Leia live, let me pay for freedom. Please.

Another green ray destroys another cruiser.

"Your fleet has lost. And your friends on the Endor moon will not survive," Sideous says. "There is no escape, my young apprentice." Luke looks at Sideous, then his lightsaber again. He looks to Anakin. "The alliance will die. As will your friends." No... Luke looks at his lightsaber again. "Good. I can feel your anger. Strike me down with your hatred. I am defenseless. Kill me and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete."

"Luke no," I whisper in a begging tone. He looks out and I hope he can reject him for a longer time. I'm wrong.

Luke turns back around, gets his lightsaber and turns it on. He goes for the kill of Sideous, but Anakin blocks Luke's strike. I stare in panic at the two clashing gashes of light. They direct the sabers away from me. They start to battle, fear that either of them will die.

"Stop this, please," I whimper to the Emperor. He just watches them, entertained by the fighting. I look back out and I see Luke kick Anakin back. "No."

"Good. Use your aggressive feelings boy," the Emperor says. I put up my hands again and I shake my head.

"Don't please," I beg to Luke. Luke shuts off his lightsaber.

"Obi-Wan has taught you well. As Mara has as well," Anakin says. Another tear runs down my cheek.

"I will not fight you, Father," Luke remarks. Anakin steps up the stairs. They continue to fight, jumping everywhere. They find their way up and near the elevator. Apparently Anakin's pissed off Luke. Luke raises his saber.

I feel the shield come off.

"No!" I scream and run out and down the steps. I feel electricity hit my back and jolt through by body. I scream in pain.

*Third Person*

Mara screams as she buckles down to her knees. Vader watches, concern filling his mind. Luke is petrified and can't move from shock. Mara breaks down to the floor, her screams filling the air.

Sideous stops once he sees her hardly alive. Mara jolts a bit involuntarily.

"Annie," she whimpers. Vader closes his saber and rushes to Mara. He kneels beside her and picks her up in his arms. Mara's hand lies gracefully on where her ring is. "I know you're still in there Annie," she says in the sweetest voice.

"Mara, no. You can hold on, please," Anakin lowers his dark wall.

"I can't hold on anymore Annie," Mara whimpers.

"I am so sorry," Anakin says. Mara's lips wiggle into a smile.

"It's alright," she puts her free hand up and reaches up to touch Vader's helmet. "Protect him," she sighs. She deepens her breathing. "I never stopped loving you."

That comment brings back the Anakin Skywalker that has been hidden for so long. Mara's eyes start to close and her body jolts once. As in Anakin's dream, she takes her last breath. Mara becomes lifeless and her hand drops. Anakin studies Mara's face that he fell in love with. Her hazel eyes have closed and her full lips have relaxed. Anakin strokes his finger on Mara's cheek, wiping away her tears. He moves some of Mara's hair out of her face. He notices her hand on her chest.

By instinct, he moves her hand and sees nothing. He then sees an imprint of something under her clothes. He digs underneath Mara's tan garments and he reaches what has been hidden. Mara's wedding ring, still around her neck. He holds it in his hand and looks lovingly at it. Mara never gave up. Vader gets up and Luke attacks him. He cuts off Anakin's hand, making his saber fall into the depths.

Sideous laughs as he walks down and towards the end of fighting. Luke turns back and stares at his mother's body, then at Sideous. What would Mara think if she just saw what happened? "Your hate has made you powerful," Sideous remarks. "Now, fulfill your destiny. Take your father's place at my side."

Luke thinks hard. Mara would want him to run, end the useless fighting. Vader is confused on what he wants Luke to do. Leia wouldn't even forgive Luke if he joined the force they have been trying to defeat for years. Luke looks at his robotic hand, then at the hand he cut off of Vader. Little does it he know, that was the hand that Anakin lost trying to protect Mara against Dooku. Luke turns off his saber. He shall follow his mother's wise words.

"Never," Luke hisses. He throws his saber away. "I'll never turn to the Dark Side. You failed your Highness. I am a Jedi. Like my father before me and my mother." Vader stands and goes to Mara once more. No matter what happens, he's going to be with her.

"So be it," Sideous says. "Jedi." Luke looks to Vader at Mara's side. Anakin mourning the loss of his Mara. He still loves her. Always has. "If you will not be turned. You will be destroyed, just like your mother." Sideous raises his hands and electricity shoots from his fingertips. Luke falls back and the electricity stops. "Young fool. Only now at the end do you understand." The Emperor shoots out electricity once more. Vader stares longingly to his lost love.

'Protect him,' she said. She meant Luke.

"Your feeble skills are no match for the Dark Side. Only your mother found a way to fight, but now she's gone," Sideous remarks. Luke falls to the ground. "You will pay the price for your lack of vision." Vader looks up to Sideous, over to Luke, then back to Mara.

"Father, please!" Luke whimpers. Anakin looks up to Luke and then Sideous. 'Protect him,' Mara's words echo in his mind. Luke lets out a cry of pain. 'Protect him.' Vader looks to Mara one last time and he stands, setting her gracefully on the ground. The electricity stops.

"Now, young Skywalker. You shall die," the Emperor says.

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