Chapter 49

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Chapter 49:

I cross my arms and I rub the scar on one of them. I remember when I first got it, and how bad it stung. I remember Padme's scream as it scratched her back. I squeeze my arm, not feeling the pain anymore.

I was so young, so stupid. I did things I was told not to do. Such as fall in love, look for danger, and keep it hidden so well. Love is what got me here, what got Anakin like he is. I was stupid, but it was an adventure. An adventure that made me strong, stable.

I start to hear blaster shots. Not surprised Anakin found us, he's never been one to give up. I can feel him now. It's a bit fuzzy, but it's there. It's not as strong as before, I don't feel him on my body. I loved that. I could actually feel him kiss my neck, his breath on my skin. Things I missed.

I jolt as I feel us get hit. My eyes shoot open. I hear Chewy echo through the halls of the ship. We keep getting hit, I feel the ship wobble. I feel us turn around. What is going on? Is he attacking?! We'll die!

No we won't, Anakin won't let it happen. He wants me alive. Then, I feel Anakin clear up a bit. I feel us jolt to the land. I stand up and walk to the cockpit.

"What are we doing?" I blurt as soon as I walk in.

"Captain Solo, this time you've gone too far!" 3PO exclaims. Chewy roars at 3PO outburst. "No I will not be quiet!"

"3PO hush," I comfort.

"Look, the fleet's starting to break up," Han focuses on the sight. "Release the landing claw," Han says and Chewy start to stand up. Chewy passes me out and 3PO starts to ramble. Han slightly looks back and I see Leia reach over and shut 3PO off. "Thank you."

"What's your next step in this plan?" Leia leans in.

"Well, they'll dump their garbage before they go to lightspeed and we'll float away," Han explains.

"Float with the garbage and then what?" I ask.

"Find a safe place to go," Han adds. Han flips on his computer and starts to search. "Wait, this is interesting. Lando."

"Lando?" Leia asks. "Is that a system?"

"It's not a system, it's a man. Card player, gambler, scoundrel. You'd like him," Han tells Leia. "Bespen.. Pretty far but I think we can make it."

"A mining colony?" Leia asks.

"Gas mining. He might have conned someone out of it. Lando and I go back a long way," Han mumbles. I stand up straight and I leave the room. I start to tilt as the ship does. I feel us start to float away. Then, Anakin gets further. There he goes. We zoom off as well, letting my thoughts clear up.

After a bit, I feel us enter an atmosphere. We jiggle from shots. "Really?" I mumble. The shots stop. I breathe out thankful I feel actually safe. I feel danger, not much, but it's fuzzy on what kind. I go to the cockpit and I see a view of the city. "Corascaunt," I whisper. But it isn't, it really looks like it though. We land and I am the first to walk out. I check my boots for my blaster and lightsaber. I need to use that more often. I walk out the entry behind the rest. I let my arms dangle at my side. I immediately breathe in the air. It smells like smoke. Oh how I missed the city. I look and see a closed door.

"Oh! No one's here," 3PO remarks.

"I don't like this. Not one bit," Leia sighs.

"I missed this," I hide my smile. Han walks back to Leia.

"Well what would you like?" he asks.

"They did let us land," 3PO says.

"Don't worry, everything's going to be fine. Trust me," Han says. The door opens and Chewy roars. I see a bunch of people. "See?" Han walks to the people coming out and he greets them. I walk to the side of Chewbacca. I roll my wrists as the wind blows my hair.

"You slimy, double-crossing swindler," the man says. Maybe we aren't welcome. Han stops in his steps. "You've got guts coming out here, after what you pulled." My, what did Han do? The man walks to Han. He hugs him and laughs. "How are you doing you old ferret? So good to see you again!" The other people walk back into the door. I don't move from Chewy's side. Chewbacca starts to walk and I do also. I cross my arms. "What are you doing out here?"

"Repairs, hoping you could help," Han says with a bit of joke in his voice."

"What have you done to my ship?" who I think is Lando asks.

"Your ship? Hey, I won it off you fair and square," Han replies.

"I see you Chewbacca! What are you doing hanging around this guy still?" Lando asks. Chewy walks to him. I smile at him. Chewy roars and Lando waves at him politely. I wave kindly and quick and Leia makes her way in sight. "Hello, what have we here? I'm Lando, administrator to this system," he walks to Leia. I roll my eyes.

"Leia," she replies.

"Welcome Leia," he kisses her hand. I sigh as he tries to hit on my daughter. Han steps in and stops him.

"Okay, okay," Han takes Leia in. Lando looks at me.

"I'm Mara," I smile. I follow Han and Leia inside. I have the strangest feeling, I just can't pinpoint what it is.

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