Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

I have my hands behind me as I stand with Anakin and Miss Padme in a little carriage. I think this is our execution or something. I have my head down, thinking of all the things I wasn't able to do in my life. I never told Annie how I really felt, I never met my real parents, I never got to tell Anakin that I meant that kiss. I wish I did. "Don't be afraid," Annie says to me.

"I'm not afraid to die," I reply. I look up at him and I bite my lip. "I've been dying a bit every day since you came back."

"What do you mean?" he asks me.

"I love you Annie," I whisper. He looks at me, shocked by what I just confessed.

"You love me?" he asks. I nod. "I thought you committed on not falling in love. That we would have to live a lie. And it would destroy our lives."

"It looks like they're about to be destroyed anyways," I say. "And I really do love you. I needed you to know before we die." He turns around to me. He looks me in my eyes, and I feel myself reaching up to him. Our lips connect and the carriage starts to move. We pull away slowly and I squint at the dramatic brightness change. I see some poles, one has Obi-Wan chained to it. We're in an arena, Geonotians waiting excitingly to see us die. I try to think of a way to get out of these and escape. A Geonotian escorts me to a pole and I lift my arms so they can chain them. I see Padme and I can see the gears turning in her head. A creature in the balcony says something in a language I don't understand and the crowd goes wild. I look to a gate and see what they're cheering about. A large animal walks out of the gate and into the sunlight. It roars and I feel my heart beat faster. I'm screwed. Another different animal comes out and has a scream-like roar. And now, another comes out and looks furry and wild. The tamer shoots at it and the animal jumps and eats him. Yeah, I'm screwed. I look over at Miss Padme, she has her cuff at her mouth and she's jiggling it. I wonder what she has up her sleeve. It looks like I have a bit of time, there are three animals and four people. I have time to try and figure a way out of this mess. Miss Padme looks at me and takes a key out of her mouth. Her hand slips out of a cuff. She puts it on her hand and I take it by forcing. She is really risking her life to save me. I start trying to unlock my cuff and I try to be subtle. Miss Padme climbs up her pole and goes to the top. I see the beast try to follow her and I force a rock at it. It notices and it scratches my arm. The pain is unbearable, but the beast goes back to trying to get Padme. I look over to Anakin and I look reassuringly at him. He sees the scratch, he's a bit afraid. I get one cuff to unlock and I try the other. I hear Padme scream, the beast scratched her back. I see the beast focus on me. Oh no. I start to panic on unlocking the other cuff. It runs to me and I try to climb up. I swing around the pole and stop when I'm halfway up. The beast tries after me and I kick an eye of it. It falls down. I hear a pole fall, caused by the screechy monster. I keep hold of the chain as tight as I can. The monster tries again at me. I try to climb up more and I almost slip. I let out a little scream as I catch myself. I kick the beast again and it almost snaps my leg. I force back the key to the cuffs back to Padme and she catches it. I feel my hands get slippery and I feel the chain slide slowly out of my grasp. The beast focuses back on trying to get Padme. I can feel my grasp loosen on the chain. I let out a little whimper of fear. I keep trying to climb up and I'm slipping. My grip loosens completely and I fall to the ground. The beast hears me and sees me on the ground. I am so dead. I widen my eyes and prepare myself for my end. I see the beast be tossed by Anakin's animal, which he seems to have tamed, and he looks at me.

"Come on!" he calls to me. I stand up and jump on. I hold onto him tightly and kiss his cheek. I look up at Padme.

"Jump!" I call to her. She jumps and lands behind me. Anakin makes his monster move and over to Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan runs over and jumps on behind Padme. I loosen my grip on Annie so no one else knows. I see destroyer droids roll out. "Wow they really want us dead," I say sarcastically. The droids start to close in on us. I look up and see a bunch of dashes of light, lightsabers to be specific. I feel a small smile grow on my face. All of the Geonotian crowd flies down and readies to fight. We pass the collision of the Jedi and droid armies and three Jedi comes and toss Obi-Wan, Anakin, and I lightsabers. I turn mine on. Still green, good. Anakin cuts the chains of Obi-Wan's and I try not to be cut myself. A blaster shoots the animal we're on and we are all booted off. I almost kill myself, but I tumble. Anakin and I come back to back as I slice a droid in half. I see Padme get on an animal that pulls a carriage. I nudge Annie and we run into the carriage and I take one side and he takes another. I look over and see Mace Windu and the Jango Fett bounty hunter. Mace slices his head off. A droid shoots the animal Padme is riding and it tips everyone over. I land on Anakin, just like I did in the field. I stand up and force away a droid that was coming at me. Miss Padme comes and pulls me in cover of the tipped carriage. "So much for a good calm solution, huh?" I joke. Annie starts to lead us out into the open and a droid barely misses my arm. All the Jedi and Padme condense into a circle in the center and the droids close in on us. But then, the droids stop shooting and I look at them, strangely. Everyone lowers their weapons and I steady my breathing.

"Master Windu," Count Dooku's voice says loud enough to echo. "You have fought well. Worthy enough for the archives in the Jedi order. Now, it is finished. Surrender, and you shall be spared."

"We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku," Mace says.

"Then, I'm sorry old friend," Dooku says. I almost forgot, Dooku was a Jedi once, but he betrayed us. The droids point their guns at us again and I raise my saber once more. I hear a ship from up above.

"Look!" Padme says. We all look up. There is a fleet of gunships coming for us. They are loaded with.. white suited men, like clones of each other.

I Broke the Rule (Anakin Skywalker love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ