Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

(This will take place in Episode 3, three years after Anakin and Mara get married. She doesn't change much in appearances.)

I swoop in behind the yellow detailed starfighter and the red one also. Mine is green, my favorite color. Annie's taught me a lot on flying, I have a few slip ups, nothing severe though. It's thrilling. I pull up so I don't crash into the giant spacecraft. "Watch yourself Mara," Anakin's voice says in the headphone I have.

"Sorry, got bored," I reply.

"Back on track you two," Obi-Wan's voice comes in the headphone. He doesn't know about Anakin and I. I grow a grin.

"Sorry," I laugh. I follow them in every move they do. Even the corkscrew. I seem to be best at backflips. We dive down and into the battle area. I'm less afraid at diving in space, there's hardly anywhere to crash. I see the ring on the necklace I put around my neck. That's what I did to get a wedding ring. I watch blasters pass my ship. We dodge parts of battle cruisers being shot and flying around. Obi-Wan's ship shoots something in our way, making the object explode. We zoom into the blast and out the other way. "That was fun," I chuckle.

"Lock onto them, R2," Anakin says to his droid. He got lucky and got R2. I got a new protocol, R6. How nice. "Master, Grevious's ship is dead ahead. You see it Mara?"

"Yep," I reply. "I highly doubt it's going to be easy to get in. There, crawling and vulture droids." I seem to spot things quickly.

"Oh, I see them. Oh this is going to be so easy!" Obi-Wan says sarcastically. I laugh at his reaction. Some droids start to come at us.

"Get ready, R6," I say to my little droid on the outside. Obi-Wan starts talking to some other people. "You ready Annie?" I ask into my microphone.

"Always am," he replies.

"They have our backs, we should be good," Obi-Wan comes back.

"This is where the fun starts," Anakin says.

"Bring it on scrap metal," I taunt sarcastically to the droids that can't even hear me.

"Let them pass in front of us," Obi-Wan says. I groan.

"I don't get to use these cool blasters?" I whine jokingly.

"Yes you do," Anakin's voice says.

"Yay!" I grin. I ready my trigger thumb. I see a little ship go down of ours. "That can't be good."

"That's what you say whenever I walk into the same room as you," Anakin jokes.

"Your point?" I kid.

"Mara. Anakin. Stay on target," Obi-Wan warns.

"You're no fun," I mutter.

"They're all over me!" a troop's voice says in the headphone.

"I'm going to go help them," Anakin says.

"Don't you dare, Annie," I warn.

"They're doing their job, so we can do ours," Obi-Wan says.

"I couldn't agree more," I mumble. I hear a man's scream in the headphone. There goes one. I see missiles on my tail.

"Missiles! Pull up!" Anakin says. I pull the stick towards me and back down. The missiles fly through under me.

"They overshot us," Obi-Wan says. I notice something on my radar.

"They're coming around," I warn. I follow them as they try to shake them off. "Hey Annie?" I ask into the microphone.

"Yeah?" he replies.

"Can I do what I do best?" I ask with a smile. I hear him huff out a laugh.

"Do it," Anakin replies. I grin brightly and ready myself.

"Alright R6, let's loop," I chuckle. I pull up and make myself go upside down for a moment, then I come diving back down. I look back and see two missiles crash into each other. I laugh and cheer lightly into the microphone.

I hear a crash in the headphone and Annie laughing. "We got them R2," he laughs. "Done, Mara?" I should have a bit of fun with this. I stay silent. "Mara?" Anakin asks urgently. I can't hold myself. I start laughing.

"Got you," I laugh.

"That's not funny," he replies.

"Yes it is," I joke.

"I'm hit! Anakin, Mara?" Obi-Wan says in the headpiece.

"Annie, what's got him?" I ask. I hear him groan.

"Buzz droids," he replies.

"Aw man!" I whine. "I hate those. They're annoying!"

"R4, be careful-" Obi-Wan says. "Oh dear. They're shutting down all the controls."

"Oh, great," I groan.

"Move to the right so I can get a clear shot at them," Anakin says. I start to see Anakin's ship behind Obi-Wan's.

"There you are!" I exclaim.

"Get to the command ship, get to the chancellor," Obi-Wan orders. I see Anakin's starfighter start shooting at the little droids attacking Obi-Wan. He shoots a bit of Obi-Wan's wing. Anakin tries to shove the droids off Obi-Wan's wing.

"Annie, stop!" I whine. One crawls its way to R2. "Hey Annie! You see the three eyes on them? Make R2 go for the big one in the middle. It kills them." R2 does it and the buzz droid almost hits my window. "Alright, now all we have left is the General's ship right in front of us."

"Well have you noticed the shields are still up?!" Obi-Wan panics.

"Whoops," I smile. "Anakin? Would you be a doll and handle that for me?"

"No problem," he laughs. He starts to shoot at the turrets.

"Awesome," I grin. The shield goes away. "Thanks!" I laugh. But a metal shield starts to come.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Obi-Wan says.

"Quit your worrying!" I yell. I speed up and land in the hangar. I crash down. I hear two more crashes. The metal door shuts and I tuck in my necklace and take off my headset. I pop out of the seat and ready my lightsaber. Droids were prepared. I notice R6 just shut down. "Oh, you're joking!" I whine. A droid runs at me and I black the blasts with my saber.

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